382/Maryland Manual
The Commission is empowered to investigate
complaints, conduct hearings, or take informal ac-
tion as it deems necessary provided that the judge
involved has been properly notified. Its operating
procedures are as follows: "The Commission
conducts a preliminary investigation to determine
whether to initiate formal proceedings, after which
a hearing may be held regarding the judge's al-
leged misconduct or disability. If, as a result of
these hearings, the Commission by a majority
vote decides that a judge should be retired, cen-
sured, or publicly reprimanded it recommends
that course of action to the Court of Appeals. The
Court of Appeals may order a more severe disci-
pline of the judge than the Commission
recommends. In addition, the Commission has the
power in limited situations to issue a private repri-
mand (Code 1957, Art. 40, sec. 45; Code Courts
Article, sees. 13-401 through 13-403; Md. Rule
David Ross, Chairperson
Robert M. Bell, Albert D. Brault, Clayton C.
Carter, Leo William Dunn, Jr., Dean Michael
J. Kelly, W. Garrett Larrimore, James J.
Lombardi, John F. McAuliffe, George W.
McManus, Jr., Paul V. Niemeyer, George A.
Nilson, Joseph E. Owens, "Thomas J.
Peddicord, Jr., Kenneth C. Proctor, Russell R.
Reno, Jr„ Lawrence F. Rodowsky, Robert J.
Ryan, Melvin A. Steinberg, Neil Tabor, Wil-
liam Walsh, Arnold M. Weiner,
George B. Gifford, Reporter
William M. Simmons, Assistant Reporter
Bernard Auerbach, Assistant Reporter
District Court Building
P. 0. Box 1911
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2492
The Rules Committee was originally
appointed as a Standing Committee of the
Court of Appeals by an Order of the Court
dated January 22, 1946, to succeed an ad hoc
Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure
appointed by an Order of the Court dated
March 5, 1940. It currently consists of twenty-
four members of whom five are judges, eigh-
teen are practicing members of the Bar, and
one a Circuit Court Clerk representing the
Maryland State Court Clerks Association. |
Judicial Units, Boards and Commissions
"The function and duties of the Rules Com-
mittee and a description of the rule-making
process are provided for in the implementing
legislation (Code Courts Article, sees. 13-301
through 13-303) and by Rule 4 of the Mary-
land Rules of Procedure.
Chairperson: Jerrold V. Powers, 1982
Charles H. Dorsey, Jr., 1981; William H. Price
11, 1979; J. Frederick Sharer, 1980; Diane G.
Schulte, 1980; William Francis Abell, Jr.,
1981; David C. Daneker, 1981.
John E. Boemer, Secretary to the Board
Joanne G. Dowgwillo, Clerk to the Board
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2140
"The Courts of Maryland were first autho-
rized to examine persons seeking to practice
law in 1715 (Acts 1715, Chap. 48, sec. 12).
"The examination of attorneys remained a func-
tion of the courts of the State until 1898,
when the Legislature created the State Board
of Law Examiners (Chapter 139, Acts of
1898). The Board is composed of seven
members appointed by the judges of the Court
of Appeals. Twice yearly, in the winter and
summer, the Board conducts examinations for
admission to the Bar. It also passes upon the
petitions of attorneys from other states desiring
admission and administers an Out-of-State
Attorneys' Examination twice yearly. The
Board passes upon appeals from the findings
and recommendations of the Character Com-
mittees of the various circuits. Law students
expecting to practice in Maryland must register
their intentions with the Board. "The Court of
Appeals formulates the rules governing the
Board, but the Board may prescribe rules for
the conduct of examinations, providing such
rules do not conflict with those made by the
Court (Code 1957, Art. 10, sees. 2-8).
Chairperson: Joseph Sherbow
First Appellate Circuit: E. Ralph Hostetter;
John W. T. Webb |