Judicial Units, Boards and Commissions
William H. Adkins 11, State Court Administrator
Robert W. McKeever, Deputy State Court Admin-
Robert C. Franke, Assistant Administrator, Reports
and Records
James F. Lynch, Director, Judicial Planning
Frederick A. Farris, Director, Judicial Education
J. Allen Hines, Director, Judicial Administrative
Michael W. Nieberding, Director, Judicial Infor-
mation Systems
Courts of Appeal Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2141
The Administrative Office of the Courts was
established by the General Assembly in 1955 and is
headed by the State Court Administrator, who was
appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Chief
Judge of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, as pro-
vided by Section 13-101 of the Courts Article.
This office gathers statistical and other data re-
garding the business of the courts and it keeps
the Chief Judge informed as to the transaction of
that business; makes recommendations to the
Chief Judge regarding the need for assignment of
the judges among the several courts of the State
and assists him in making these assignments;
prepares and submits the State Judiciary budget
and supervises its administration; and submits to
the Chief Judge recommendations for improve-
ments to the Judicial System (Code Courts Arti-
cle, Section 13-101 (a) (e)).
The staff of the clerk's office of the Juvenile
Court in Baltimore City is also attached to the
Administrative Office, as are circuit admin-
istrators in the First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth
Judicial Circuits.
James H. Norris, Jr., The Reporter |
Courts of Appeal Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3539
The State Reporter, appointed by the Court of
Appeals, is responsible for the publication of the
Maryland Reports and the Maryland Appellate
Reports, which contain the official opinions of the
Court of Appeals (Const. 1867, Art. IV, sees.
14- ISA) and of the Court of Special Appeals, re-
spectively (Code Courts Article, sees. 13-201
through 13-204).
Chairperson: Richard P. Gilbert, Chief Judge,
Court of Special Appeals, 1979
Edward D. Hardesty, Baltimore County, 1979;
Marshall A. Levin, Baltimore City, 1980; James
H. Taylor, Prince George's County, 1979; Wil-
liam L. Marbury, Baltimore City, 1979; Nathan
Patz, Baltimore City, 1981; Dr. Morris Sumner,
Baltimore City, 1981
Howard E. Wallin, Executive Secretary
University of Baltimore
1420 North Charles Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 727-6350
The Commission on Judicial Disabilities, origi-
nally created by Chapter 773, Acts of 1965, had
its powers redefined by Chapter 506, Acts of
1967. The Act of 1965 was ratified on Novem-
ber 8, 1966, as an amendment to the Constitu-
tion (Const. 1867, Art. IV, sees. 4A and 4B).
Originally, the Commission consisted of five
members. Three of the members had to be
judges, either of the Court of Appeals, the Cir-
cuit Courts, or the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City. One member had to be a lawyer with a
minimum of fifteen years of law practice. One
member represented the general public. Chapter
789, Acts of 1969, increased the membership of
the Commission to seven members by adding an
additional lawyer member and a member repre-
senting the District Courts. Members of the
Commission are appointed by the Governor and
serve four-year terms. Members must be citizens
and residents of the State. Four members are
appointed from among the Judges of the Appel-
late Courts, the Circuit Courts for the counties,
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, and the
District Court. Two members must be lawyers
with a minimum of fifteen years of law practice,
and one member must represent the public. The
Commission elects its own Chairperson from
among its membership. |