380/Mary land Manual
Frederick County Bar Associations; American Judica-
ture Society. Deputy state's attorney, Frederick County,
1960 - 1964. Married; 2 children.
KENNETH A. WILCOX. District Court, District 3,
1973 — ; Administrative Judge. Born in Eden, New
York. August 16, 1927. Attended New York, Pennsyl-
vania, and Maryland public schools; University of
Maryland, B.S., 1950; University of Baltimore, J.D.,
1962. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1962. Served in
the U.S. Navy. Member, Maryland State Bar Associa-
tion; Cecil County Bar and Law Library Association;
Susquehana Law Club. Trial Magistrate, 1967; Mayor,
Town of Elkton, 1969 - 1971; Assistant State's Attor-
ney for Cecil County, 1971 - 1973; Court Auditor for
the Circuit Court of Cecil County; Substitute Chairman,
Property Review Board for Cecil County. Former mem-
ber, Elkton Kiwanis Club; Elkton Optomist Club; Boy
Scouts of America; Board of Directors, Upper Chesa-
peake Water Shed Association; past director, Cecil
County YMCA; past member. Executive Steering Com-
mittee, Big Elk Creek Water Shed Committee; past di-
rector, Executive Council, Maryland Municipal League;
past president, Sons of the American Revolution; Cecil
County Historical Society; active in other charitable
organizations. Married; 3 children.
GERARD WM. WITTSTADT. District Court, Dis-
trict 8, 1976 — . Born in Baltimore, March 25, 1932.
Attended Mt. St. Joseph High School; University of
Maryland, A.B., 1954; University of Maryland School
of Law, J.D., 1957. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1957. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Member,
American, Maryland State, and Baltimore County Bar
Associations. University of Maryland Law Review.
Former assistant attorney general of Maryland and as-
sistant public defender of Maryland. Married; 6 chil-
MARTIN A. WOLFF. District Court, District 7,
1977 —. Born in Nashville, Tennessee, May 11, 1938.
Attended Baltimore City schools; University of Mary-
land. B.A.. 1961: University of Baltimore, LL.B., 1964. |
District Court Biographies
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1964. Member, Anne
Arundel County Bar Association. Assistant state's attor-
ney, Anne Arundd County, 1969 - 1971; deputy state's
attorney, Anne Anindel County, 1971 - 1977. Faculty,
University of Maryland, 1978. Married; 1 child.
SYLVANIA W. WOODS. District Court, District 5,
1976 — . Born in Fort Oaines, Georgia, August 4,
1927. Attended public schools in Fort Oaines; Morris
Brown College, Atlanta, B.A., 1949; Atlanta University;
American University, J.D., 1960. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1969. Served in the U.S. Navy. Member,
Washington, (D.C.), District of Columbia, and Prince
George's County Bar Associations. Vice-chairman,
Prince George's County Democratic Party and regional
vice-chairman of the Maryland State Democratic Party,
1974 - 1976; judge advocate of the American Legion,
Department of Maryland, 1975. Married; 2 children.
CHARLES W. WOODWARD, JR. District Court,
District 6, 1974 — . Born in PoolesviUe, February 28,
1919. Attended Montgomery County public schools;
University of Maryland, A.B„ 1941; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1948. Served in the
U.S. Army. Member of the Maryland State and Mont-
gomery County Bar Associations. Former trustee,
Clients' Security Trust Fund of the Bar of Maryland.
Member, Maryland House of Delegates, 1955 - 1963.
Former member, Croveroor's Commission to Revise the
Annotated Code of Maryland; Governor's Judicial Sala-
ry and Pension Review Board.
WILLIAM B. YATES 11. District Court, District 2,
1975 — . Born in Cambridge, January 27, 1916.
Attended Cambridge High School; University Of Mary-
land; University of Baltimore, J.D. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1961. Served in the U.S. Army; Purple
Heart, Bronze Star. Member, Maryland State Bar Associ-
ation; past member, American Bar Association. Judge,
Orphans' Court, Dorchester County, 1958 - 1961; state's
attorney, Dorchester County, 1967 - 1975. Member,
VFW; American Legion; Rotary Club; Cambridge Yacht
Club; Cambridge Country Club. Married; 2 children. |