The Drug Abuse Administration, created by
Chapter 29, Acts of 1971, succeeded the Drug
Abuse Authority, established by Chapter 404,
Acts of 1969. The Director of the Administration
is appointed by the Secretary of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene.
The Drug Abuse Administration engages in a
planning process that identifies needs, policies,
and strategies aimed at the prevention, diagnosis,
and treatment of drug abuse in the State of Mary-
land. The Administration funds projects based on
need and encourages initiatives toward unique
programming for the prevention of drug abuse or
the treatment of chemical substance abuse in an
effective and efficient manner. This grant-in-aid
program emphasizes multi-modality public or pri-
vate non-profit projects. Current strategies in-
clude the maximization of coordination with local
health departments and the Health Service Agen-
cies leading to a more thorough identification of
local needs. "The current policy of the Administra-
tion is to maintain facilities in local communities
that best serve the unique requirements for chemi-
cal substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation
in these areas.
It is the responsibility of the Administration to
monitor all drug abuse treatment programs in the
State and to certify these programs annually as to
the quantity and quality of treatment delivered.
No drug abuse treatment or prevention program
can operate within the State of Maryland, either
public or private, without certification by the
Drug Abuse Administration.
The Administration cooperates with the Office
of Education and Training under the supervision
of the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and
Addictions for the purpose of insuring competent
program personnel and adequate information dis-
semination. The Administration annually
publishes a comprehensive plan for drug abuse
treatment and prevention (Code 1957, Art. 43B,
sees. IA-22).
John Bland, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2781
The Alcoholism Control Administration, creat-
ed by Chapter 746, Acts of 1976, succeeded the
Division of Alcoholism Control of the Mental
Health Administration.
The Alcoholism Control Administration's pri-
mary functions are to serve as a clearinghouse for
information relating to alcohohsm; develop, en-
courage, and foster statewide, regional, and local
plans and programs in the field of alcoholism;
provide technical assistance and consultation to
all political subdivisions of the State with respect
to programs for the prevention and treatment of
aicnholisnn and the rehabilitation of alcoholics;
enlist the assistance of public and voluntary
health, education, welfare, and rehabilitation
agencies in a concerted effort to prevent and to
treat alcoholism; and encourage alcoholism reha-
bilitation programs in businesses and industries in
the State (Code 1957, Art. 2).
John J. Kent, Jr.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6327
The Assistant Secretary for Medical Care
Programs plans, directs, and evaluates the State/
federal Medical Assistance Program and performs
such other duties as may be assigned by the Sec-
retary and Deputy Secretary.
Using available resources and implemented by
the Policy, Compliance, and Operations
Administrations, the Medical Assistance Program
provides access to health care services for categor-
ically and medically needy residents throughout
Maryland. The health care services include hospi-
tal inpatient and outpatient services, laboratory
and X-ray services, nursing facility services, physi-
cian services, and home health care services. Ad-
ditional health care services are available as indi-
cated in the Medical Assistance State Plan.
The health care expenses of the Program are
federally matched on a 50/50 basis for approxi-
mately 85 percent of the recipients. For the re-
maining 15 percent. Program services are funded
totally by State and local funds.
Charles Putnam, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6339
This Administration reviews and develops pro-
gram policies and regulations.