Norma Hauserman, Ph.D., Superintendent
605 Chapel Gate Road
Baltimore 21229 Telephone: 455-7152
This Center provides intensive inpatient and
outpatient psychiatric treatment for children who
are seriously emotionally ill. The Institute for-
merly consisted of the Esther Loring Richards
Building, opened in 1958, and the Jacob E.
Finesinger Building, opened in 1961, on the
grounds of the Rosewood Hospital Center. In
1973, the Institute was moved to the former St.
Peter's College in West Baltimore. It is licensed
for 80 patients.
William T. Carpenter, M.D,, Superintendent
P. 0. Box 3235
Catonsville 21228 Telephone: 455-7101
The Maryland Psychiatric Research Center,
established by Chapter 558, Acts of 1967, is lo-
cated on the grounds of Spring Grove State Hos-
pital. Construction was begun in June 1967 and
completed in 1968. The Center is operated by the
University of Maryland under an agreement with
the Department.
The Center provides a program of basic and
applied interdisciplinary research in mental illness
and mental retardation. It also coordinates re-
search activities at the various State mental
hospitals and offers training in research for grad-
uate and post-graduate students in psychiatry and
behavioral sciences (Code 1957, Art. 59, sees.
19C and 19D).
Robert G. Jacobs, Medical Facilities Administrator
Albert Dowdell, Director, Mental Hygiene Pro-
George A. Lentz, M.D., Director, Mental Retar-
dation Program
630 W. Fayette Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 528-2228
The services available at this facility were de-
veloped in anticipation of the Community Mental
Health Center, which has been constructed adja-
cent to the University of Maryland Hospital in
Baltimore. In 1967 the Center began offering
comprehensive community mental health services
to all residents of a designated area in Baltimore
City. These services include inpatient and outpa-
tient care, limited hospitalization, and emergency
and consultative education.
The Center at present maintains three outpa-
tient satellites that provide care for adults,
adolescents, and children. Short-term residential
care is available in the Center as are many outpa-
tient services. Psychiatric emergency service is
available to area residents twenty-four hours a
day, seven days a week. Consultation and educa-
tion services are provided to various agencies, in-
cluding police, courts, schools, housing projects,
juvenile services, and day care centers.
The mental retardation facility housed at the
Center provides diagnosis and evaluation services,
particularly to educate families of retardees and
to assist them in formulating and implementing
life-time service plans. The facility is licensed for
113 patients.
Robert R. Grooms, Ph.D., Assistant Director,
Mental Hygiene Administration
Country Club Road
P.O. Box 1722
Cumberland 21502 Telephone: 777-2240
The Thomas B. Finan Center was established
by Article 59, sec. 31, Annotated Code of Mary-
land. The Center is a multi-program facility oper-
ated by the Mental Hygiene Administration,
which provides services to children and adoles-
cent, adult, and aged individuals with mental
disabilities. It also provides services for alcohol
and drug abusers and for mentally retarded
persons. The Center serves the residents of
Allegany, Garrett, and Washington counties. The
first residents were admitted in October 1978.
The facility is licensed for 300 residents.
Richard L. Hamilton, Director
201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3959