Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of
Appointed members: Edwin Beitzell, 1979; J.
Walter Fisher, 1979; Mrs. Coleman duPont,
1980; John L. Graham, 1980; J. Glenn Beall,
1981; J. Hurst Purnell, 1981; Eileen
McGuckiaii, 1982; Charles L. Wagandt, 1982
Area Representatives: Mrs. Walter E. Black, Jr„
1979; Theodore T. Dorman, 1979; E. Bumell
Duffee, Jr„ 1979; Mrs. Edwin Grarnkow, 1979;
Mrs. Nadeane Gurley, 1979; Henry R. Lord,
1979; Nelson H. McCall, 1979; Watson
Perrygo, 1979.
Director: Gen. Orwin C. Talbott
Assistant Director: Shirley F. Kirby
State Historic Preservation Officer:!. Rodney Little
21 State Circle
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2212
The Maryland Historical Trust was created by
Chapter 620, Acts of 1961, for the purpose of pre-
serving and maintaining historical, aesthetic, and
cultural properties, buildings, fixtures, furnishings,
and appurtenances pertaining in any way to Mary-
land from earliest times, to encourage others to do
so, and to promote interest in and study of such
matters. In 1970, the Trust became an agency of
the Department of Economic and Community De-
The Board of Trustees of the Maryland His-
torical Trust is composed of fifteen members of
whom the Governor, the President of the Senate,
and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, or
their representatives, are ex officio members. The
Board of Trustees is self-perpetuating and
members serve four-year terms. The trustees
serve without compensation and elect one of
their number as Chairperson. The trustees also
appoint eight area representatives to serve one-
year terms. The trustees may also appoint a Di-
rector and such other persons as may be neces-
sary to operate the Trust. The Trust is to make
a report annually to the Governor and the Gen-
eral Assembly together with any
recommendations to further the purpose of the
Trust (Code 1957, Art. 41, sees. 181A-181K).
Maryland's State Historic Preservation Officer,
appointed by the Governor pursuant to the Na-
tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966, is a
member of the Trust staff. Preservation activities
as required by the federal government are carried
out by the State Historic Preservation Officer in
concert with the Trust. The Trust is authorized
to acquire and maintain properties of historic or
architectural merit by gift or by purchase.
Through its easement program, it holds partial in-
terest in such properties in order to monitor their
appearance without the necessity of public owner-
ship. This can provide certain tax advantages to
the property owner. Easements are acquired by
gift to the Trust or in exchange for funding assis-
The Trust assists in the funding of restoration
and acquisition of historic properties by
organizations, local government, and individuals
through its State grants-in-aid funds and a revolv-
ing fund loan program. U.S. Department of the In-
terior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Ser-
vice matching grants-in-aid are made through the
Trust to properties listed on the National Register
of Historic Places and to local government for sur-
vey and planning involving historic sites.
An on-going survey of Maryland's historic sites
is carried out by the Trust through contract with
local jurisdictions. Results of these surveys are be-
ing made available in published form. The most
significant of these sites are eligible for nomination
to the National Register through the Trust. Prop-
erties listed on the National Register receive a de-
gree of protection from federally licensed or
funded projects that might adversely affect them.
The Trust's community education program
includes the administration of twenty-five local
volunteer committees—one in each county, in
Baltimore City, and in Annapolis. These
volunteers assist the Trust in preservation activi-
ties in their areas and advise the Trust on preserva-
tion issues and needs throughout the State. An an-
nual conference, workshops, special events,
publications, and a monthly newsletter are also
produced by the Trust. A library of archival and
photographic material relating to Maryland's his-
toric architecture is maintained by the Trust.
Chairperson: Orlando Ridout IV
Tyier J. Bastian, Orin M. Bullock, Jr„ Rhoda
Dorsey, John W. Hill, Aubrey C. Land, Phoe-
be Stanton, Robert M. Vogel
21 State Circle
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2438