activities during the preceding year (Code 1957,
Art. 41, sees. 365-374).
John Shmorhun, Chairperson
Aris T. Allen, Jorge A. Giro, Frank Ouaragna,
Hermina G. Nudo, Kalevi A. Olkio, Kaijo
Popp, Morgan Pritchett, Mrs. Charles B.
Vaughan, Eleni Venetoulis, J. Hugh Proctor,
Stanley Ciesielski, Sheila Litzky
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2717
The Commission was created by Executive Or-
der on March 18, 1977. The Commission consists
of thirteen persons appointed by the Oovcrnor
from among the various ethnic organizations in the
State in such a manner as to be fairly representative
of the racial, cultural, and ethnic communities in
the State. The Chairperson is designated by the
The Commission is to advise the Governor on
the needs of all ethnic or racial groups in the State
of Maryland, cooperate with existing ethnic or ra-
cial commissions in the State, maintain contact
with and coordinate the activities of all ethnic and
racial communities in the State, promote the ex-
change of information among ethnic and racial
communities, and promote studies or projects to
further the public understanding of all racial or
ethnic communities in Maryland.
J. Hugh Proctor, Chairperson
Bobby D. Brayboy, Sara J. Bundy, Tommie Dial,
Carl Harding, Thelma Hothem, Stephen W.
Lafferty, Joseph W. Neale, William Tayac
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2717
Originally a part of the Commission on Afro-
American and Indian History and Culture, created
by Chapter 386, Acts of 1974, the Commission be-
came an agency of the Department of Economic
and Community Development on July 1, 1976, by
Chapter 148, Acts of 1976. The Commission
consists of nine members appointed by the Gover-
nor, a majority of whom must be members of the
native American Indian communities of Maryland.
Members of the Commission must have knowl-
edge of Indian culture and history and be sensitive
to the problems of the Indian communities.
The Commission is charged with undertaking a
comprehensive study of indigenous American
Indian tribes, including but not limited to the Crees,
Creeks, Cherokees, Chippewas, Choptanks, Dela-
wares, Haliwas, Lumbees, Nanticokes, Pis-
cataways, Potomacs, Rappahannocks, Seminoles,
Susquehannas, and Wicomicos, and their influence
upon Maryland history and culture. In addition, the
Commission will study the economic and social
needs of Indians in Maryland and make
recommendations for the alleviation of such needs.
Information developed by the Commission that
relates to Indian culture and history is to be dissem-
inated to the public (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 409-1).
Acting Chairperson: Dr. Raymond 0.
McCullough, 1983
William E. Brown, 1979; Spencer P. Ellis, 1979;
Edward J. Vinnicombe, Jr., 1979; Max Cham-
bers, 1980; William B. Jones, 1980; Elizabeth
Murphy Moss, 1980; Edwin P. Ball, 1981;
Ruth King Kieth, 1981; Eleanora Lynn, 1981;
Joseph H. Cromwell, 1982; Frank B. Wade,
1982; Charles Francis Wilding, 1983
Members serving at the pleasure of the Governor:
Henry J. Fowler, Sr., Nancy Hammond, Hlib
S. Hayuk, Julia Lee, Dr. Isaiah A. Woodward,
C. R. Zarfoss
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2120
The Maryland Bicentennial Commission was
created by Chapter 458, Acts of 1968, to develop
and coordinate plans of public and private agen-
cies for the Bicentennial commemoration of the
American Revolution.
Although the Commission has been inactive
since June 1978, it continues to exist at the plea-
sure of the Governor. The Commission may help
commemorate events significant to the State in
the later Revolutionary War period.
Chairperson: Mrs. Thomas B. Yewell, 1981
Vice-Chairperson:Mn. Charles S. V. Sanner, 1980
Treasurer: Richard W, McClelland, 1979
Ex officio members: Harry Hughes, Governor;
James- dark, Jr., President of the Senate;