Levio E. Zeni, Member of the Board from the
State of Maryland
Chairperson:Lamai E. Priester, Jr„ South Carolina
Vice-Chairperson: Sam Hammons, Oklahoma
Treasurer: Carlos S. Warren, Florida
Secretary: Kenneth J. Nemeth
Suite 1230, One Exchange Place
Atlanta, Georgia 30338 Telephone: (404) 455-8841
The Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) is an
interstate compact agency, created by the Southern
Interstate Nuclear Compact, which has been ap-
proved by sixteen southern states and the Com-
monwealth of Puerto Rico and was consented to
by Congress (P.L. 87-563) in 1962. The purpose of
SSEB is to improve the economy of the South and
to contribute to the individual and community
well-being of the people of the Southern region
through cooperation among member jurisdictions
in the creation and implementation of programs in
the fields of energy, science and technology, envi-
ronment, and in related areas of interest.
The Board is comprised of one member from
each jurisdiction who is appointed by, and serves
at the pleasure of, his Governor. The SSEB mem-
ber serves as an energy advisor to the Governor
and coordinates the agency's activities in his state.
At present the member jurisdictions include: Ala-
bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Each member jurisdiction supports SSEB through
an annual appropriation based on a formula
outlined in the Compact.
An Executive Committee is elected by the mem-
bership to exercise all necessary powers and
functions of the Board when it is not in session;
however, the Committee cannot amend the By-
Laws or act on any matter contrary to the
expressed policy of the Board. The Organization
has established six standing committees, which are
chaired by members of the Board. These commit-
tees indicate the range of energy concerns of the or-
ganization: Energy Conservation, Energy Supply
and Demand, Environment and Safety, Nuclear
Energy, Fossil Energy, and Renewable Energy
Maryland's membership on the SSEB is
governed by Code 1957, Art. 41, sees. 319-332 and
Chairperson: Levio E. Zeni, 1980
Dominic N. Fornaro, 1978; Richard H. Kent,
1978; Peter J. Vogelberger, Jr„ 1978; Leonard
W. Dayton, 1979; Curtis Marshall, M.D.,
1979; Young D. Hance, 1980; Max Eisenberg,
M.D., 1981; John C. Geyer, 1981; T. Edgie
Russell III, 1981
Department of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2788
The Maryland Advisory Commission on Atomic
Energy was created by Chapter 188, Acts of 1966.
The Commission consists of eleven members
appointed by the Secretary of Economic and Com-
munity Development with the approval of the
Governor for four-year terms, with one member
representing each of the following fields: agricul-
ture, atomic energy, industry, education, law, med-
icine, Maryland Port Administration, power, pub-
lic health, transportation, and sanitary engineering.
The Chairperson is designated by the Secretary of
Economic and Community Development with the
approval of the Governor.
The Commission was created to advise the Gov-
ernor and State officials on matters arising from
the peaceful application of atomic energy. Applica-
tion of atomic energy to peaceful pursuits can re-
sult in situtations involving governmental respon-
sibility of the State that are novel and without
precedent. Ready access to the advice of qualified
experts representing these various scientific discip-
lines, professions, productive arts, and sectors of
economic activity enables the State government to
cope with new situations or grasp new opportuni-
ties for economic development that arise from the
peaceful application of atomic energy (Code 1957,
Art. 41, sec. 359A).
Harry Hughes, State Member
William A. Pate, Alternate