James 0 Roberson, Secretary of Economic and Community Development
Vacancy, Deputy Secretary
Michael J Milton, Assistant Attorney General, Counsel to the Department of Economic and Community
Joan M Bernstein, Equal Opportunity Officer
Leonard Elenowitz, Federal Relations Officer
Donald K Rose, Development Planning Officer
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone 269-3174
The Department of Economic and Community Development was created in 1970 for the general
purpose of advancing the economic and cultural welfare of the people of Maryland (Chapter 527, Acts
of 1970) The Department is to investigate and assemble information pertinent to the economic devel-
opment, industrial opportunities, and economic resources of the State, encourage location of new in-
dustrial firms in the State and expansion of present enterpnses, encourage development of recreational
areas and stimulate tourist business, make the public aware of the State's historical background and
progress, and generally advertise the State and disseminate information
The Department consists of the following agencies, commissions, boards, authorities, trusts, and di-
visions Maryland membership unit of the Southern States Energy Board, Maryland Advisory Com-
mission on Atomic Energy, Division of Economic Development, Maryland membership unit of the
Appalachian Regional Commission, Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, Maryland
Commission for Latin Amencan Affairs, Development Credit Corporation, Community Development
Administration, Division of Research, Division of Local and Regional Development, Division of Pub-
lic Affairs, Division of Administrative Services, Maryand Housing Fund, Office of Development Plan-
ning, Codes Administration, Maryland Histoncal Trust, Commission on Afro-Amencan History and
Culture, Maryland Arts Council, St Mary's City Commission, Commission on Indian Affairs, Com-
mission on Ethnic Affairs, the Governor's Consulting Committee for the National Register of Histonc
Places in Maryland, Ocean City Convention Hall Commission, Tn-County Council for Western Mary-
land, Inc, Maryland Small Business Financing Authority, and the Advisory Commission on Energy in
Buildings (Code 1957, Art 41, sees 257-257J)
Jay A Jacobs, Chalrperson
Ethan C Allen, Dr Evelyn J Bata, E Robert
Bowlus, Frank A Cappiello, W P Coliton,
Dominic N Fornaro, Dr Carl Franklin,
Raymond V Haysbert, Sr, Dr Rudolph P
Lamone, L Paige Marvel, John T Menzies, Jr,
Dennis C Miller, Margie H Muller, Daniel
Shendan, Arthur Sherwood, Herman J Stevens,
Edward W Taylor, Bayard H Waterbury, Jr,
Michael Waters, George M Wyckoff
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone 269-3176
The Economic and Community Development
Advisory Commission provides general advisory
assistance to the Secretary on all matters relating
to the functions of the Department of Economic
and Community Development Commission mem-
bers are appointed by the Secretary with the ap-
proval of the Governor The Commission has
broad geographic representation from all parts of
Maryland and from various elements of the pnvate
sector The full Commission meets four times a
year at the call of the Secretary (Code 1957, Art
41, sec 257H)