Federal Co-Chairperson: Robert W. Scott
States' Regional Representative: Leonard E.
Executive Director: Henry Krevor
1666 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20235 Tel.: (202) 673-7874
By Chapter 415, Acts of 1965, the Governor
and the Board of Public Works were authorized
to appoint a State member and an alternate to
the Appalachian Regional Commission to imple-
ment the Federal Appalachian Regional Develop-
ment Act of 1965. Commission membership, in
addition, includes a regional representative select-
ed by the majority of the thirteen Appalachian
states (Code 1957, Art. 78A, sec. 13A).
The Commission was created by the Appala-
chian Regional Development Act of 1965 (P.L.
89-4) to plan and coordinate projects and
programs authorized by the Act for the develop-
ment of the thirteen State Appalachian Region,
which includes the Western Maryland counties of
Washington, Allegany, and Garrett. The Com-
mission consists of a Federal Co-Chairperson
appointed by the President and one member from
each participating state who must be the Gover-
nor or his alternate. A State Co-Chairperson is
elected annually by the Governors.
Programs for Appalachian development autho-
rized. by the Act include the construction of a de-
velopmental highway system, access roads, health
centers, vocational educational schools, and sew-
age treatment works; the development of land,
timber, and water resources; the rehabilitation of
areas damaged by strip and surface mining; and
the establishment of local development districts
to support economic development efforts at the
local level. "The Act provides authority for the
Appalachian Regional Developmental Highway
System, a network of 2,700 miles of development
highways and 1,600 miles of access roads. The
Maryland portion of the highway system consists
of 79.8 miles. Non-highway funds authorized for
the 1978 Fiscal Year amounted to $113,000,000.
The Commission is not an operating agency.
Its major function is the planning and coordina-
tion of programs and projects to be carried out
under the Act by the appropriate federal and
State departments and agencies. The Commission
can act only on those programs and projects that
are submitted to it by State members. Its
decisions require the affirmative vote of the Fed-
eral Co-Chairperson and of a majority of State
members (Code 1957, Art. 78A, sec. 13).
Chairpenon: Nicholas F. Mudler, 1980
Vice-Chairperson:^. S. Mailman, 1981
Ex officio members: vacancy. Secretary of Eco-
nomic and Community Development; William S.
James, State Treasurer
Appointed members: Carl M. Freeman, 1979;
Austin E. Penn, 1982; James C. Johnson, 1983
Oliver H. Fulton, Executive Director and Secretary
John G. Fitzpatrick, Associate Director and Assis-
tant Secretary
Kenneth B. Frank, Assistant Attorney General—
The World Trade Center
401 E. Pratt Street, Suite 2244
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-4348
The Maryland Industrial Development Financ-
ing Authority was created by Chapter 714, Acts
of 1965. The Authority consists of five members
appointed by the Secretary of Economic and
Community Development with the approval of
the Governor, the Secretary of Economic and
Community Development or his designee, and ei-
ther the State Treasurer or Comptroller of the
Treasury (as chosen by the Governor), the latter
two serving as ex officio members. The Authority
elects its own officers and appoints the Executive
Director, who also serves as the Secretary.
MIDFA encourages economic growth within the
State by approving and insuring industrial mort-
gage loans meeting certain conditions. This
provides Maryland counties and municipalities
with a financing tool to make them competitive with
surrounding states in attracting new industry with-
out direct subsidy or pledge of faith or credit by ei-
ther the State or local government, except to the ex-
tent that the State has provided a reserve fund of
approximately $17,000,000 to support MIDFA in-
surance of loans. The fund (called the Industrial
Project Mortgage Insurance Fund) is comprised of
the proceeds of bonds issued by the State together
with insurance premiums and other income.