tentatively planned for 1982 (Code 1957,
1972 Repl. Vol., Art. 64B; 1971 Repl.
Vol., Art. 41, sec. 207A-207D).
Staff: 2,314.
Chairman: Marvin Mandel, Governor
Ex officio members: J. Joseph Curran, Jr.,
Chairman of the Judicial Proceedings
Committee of the Senate; Charles J.
Krysiak, Chairman of the Committee on
Constitutional and Administrative Law,
House of Delegates; J. Edward Malone,
Chairman of the Motor Vehicle Subcom-
mittee of the Judiciary Committee, House
of Delegates; Harry R. Hughes, Secretary
of Transportation; Colonel Robert J.
Lally, Secretary of Public Safety and Cor -
rectional Services; Neil Solomon, M.D.,
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene;
David W. Hombeck, State Superintendent
of Schools.
Executive Director: William L. Carson, Di-
rector of the Division of Transportation
Safety, Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 8755,
International Airport,
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 768-9520
The Committee was established July 1,
1972, to include the ex officio members |
listed above. The Governor may appoint
additional members to serve at his pleasure.
The Committee is a continuing one and acts
as the central coordinating agency in the
planning and execution of highway safety
programs. The Executive Director is the
Administrative Officer for the Committee
and is in general charge of its work.
Responsibility for administration of the
State's highway safety program has been
vested in the Department of Transportation.
By Executive Order, the Secretary of Trans-
portation has been designated as the Gover-
nor's Highway Safety Representative and
has been delegated the Governor's powers
and authority for the highway safety pro-
gram, which have been redelegated by the
Secretary to the Division of Transporta-
tion Safety. The former Office of Highway
Safety Coordinator was incorporated into
this Division (Code 1957, 1970 Repl. Vol.,
1975 Supp., Art. 661/2, sees. 2-101, 2-103,
Robert R. Green, Administrator
This agency was created by the Secretary
of Transportation May 4, 1976. It provides
the Department with administrative support
in such areas as data processing and per-
sonnel. |