Chairman: Vladimir A. Wahbe,
Secretary of State Planning
Mrs. Carle A. Jackson, Robert E. Kendig.
Henry J. Knott, Edmund C. Mester, Par-
lett L. Moore, James A. Sensenbaugh,
Milton S. Schiller.
Alan E. Povey, Acting Executive Secretary
c/o Department of State Planning,
301 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2470
Title VII-A of the Higher Education Act
of 1965 (Public Law 89-329, as amended)
provides Federal grants to institutions of
higher education to finance the construction
of classrooms, laboratories, and libraries.
Title VII-C of the same Act provides
Federal grants to subsidize the interest pay-
ments on bonds and mortgages used to fi-
nance such construction when direct Fed-
eral funding is unavailable.
Title Vl-A of the same Act provides Fed-
eral grants to institutions of higher educa-
tion for the purchase or installation of
laboratory and other special equipment and
materials, and television equipment and ma-
terials for closed circuit direct instruction.
In accordance with the provisions of these
Titles, the Governor has designated the
Board of Public Works as the State Com-
mission to administer the various programs
In addition, the Governor has appointed an
Advisory Council to assist and make rec
ommendations to the Board of Public Work'
on matters pertaining to these programs.
The Advisory Council carries out its re
sponsibilities by processing applications and
recommending priorities for Federal grant!
among the eligible institutions, by dissemi
nating information, and by maintaining liai
son between the colleges in Maryland, the
State Commission, and the United State
Office of Education. The Department of
State Planning provides staff assistance to
the Advisory Council. |
Members of the Advisory Council serve
indefinite terms of office.
Chairman: Margaret C. Schweinhaut, 1979
Appointed members: Reverend Msgr. Leo
J. Coady, 1979; Dominic N. Fornaro,
1979; Viola M. Gardner, 1979; Betty K.
Hamburger, 1979; Wilson Heaps, 1979;
William E. Henry, 1979; M. Shakman
Katz, 1979; Alexander W. Kramer, 1979;
Pauline H. Menes, 1979; William Reichel,
1979; Edwin Robertson, 1979; Vacancy,
) 1979.
. Matthew L. Tayback, Sc.D., Director
Harry F. Walker, Deputy Director
George E. Burnett, Jr., Assistant Director
, 301 W. Preston Street,
• Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-5064
The Office on Aging was established by
Chapter 261, Acts of 1975 as an inde-
pendent agency to consolidate and coor-
- dinate all efforts concerned with the prob-
- lems of older Marylanders. Its predecessor
of agency was the State Coordinating Com-
mission on the Problems of the Aging
- created by Chapter 1, Acts of 1959. The
name of this agency was changed to the
, Commission on the Aging by Chapter 595,
. Acts of 1971. In 1974, by Executive Order,
the Governor established the Governor's
Coordinating Office on Problems of the
i Aging. The creation of the Office on Aging
as a cabinet-level agency resulted in the
, merger of the Commission on the Aging
staff with the Governor's Coordinating Of-
fice on Problems of the Aging. The Com-
' mission on Aging was reassigned as both
an advisory and policy-making board to the
Director of the Office on Aging
The Director of the Office on Aging is
s appointed by and responsible to the Gov-
s ernor. The Director's actions are subject to
the advice, council and approval of the
3 Commission on Aging. The Office is divided
into two divisions: the Community Services |