Chairman: Robert Vargas, Ph.D., 1977
Vice Chairman: James E. Olsson,
Ph.D., 1977
Edward Neulander, Ph.D., 1978; Evelyn F.
Hill, Ph.D., 1979; Harvey A. Sweetbaum,
Ph.D., 1979.
Julian Abrams, Ph.D., Executive Secretary
Springfield Hospital Center,
Sykesville 21784 Telephone: 795-2100
The practice of psychology in Maryland
is regulated by the State Board of Examiners
of Psychologists, established by Chapter
748, Acts of 1957. This Board consists of
five members appointed by the Governor
upon the recommendation of the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene, from a list
of nominees presented by the Maryland
Psychological Association, Inc. (Code 1957,
1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees. 618-44).
Members of the Board serve three-year
The Board evaluates the qualifications of
psychologists in the State and issues certifi-
cates to those who fulfill the requirements.
The certificates must be renewed annually.
The Board administers examinations to
qualified applicants for certification at least
once each year. Each year, the Board pub-
lishes a complete roster of certified psychol-
ogists in the State.
Staff: 1.
Chairman: John W. Stout, Jr„ 1980
Jack Ashbrook, 1977; Francesco Castagli-
ola, 1977; H. B. Staab, 1977; Edward P.
Radford, 1978; Dick Duffey, 1979; Tim-
othy Merz, M.D., 1979; Henry Wagner,
Jr„ 1980; Vacancy, 1980.
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2747
The Radiation Control Advisory Board,
established by Chapter 88, Acts of 1960,
consists of ten members appointed by the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene for
four-year terms. The Board consults with |
and renders its advice to the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene on problems,
procedures and matters relating to radiation
(Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees.
Chairman: James D. Clise, 1976
Vice Chairman: James A. Rooney, 1978
Secretary: Alfred J. Fletcher, 1980
Lawrence E. Kase, 1977; lrwin L. Snyder,
1979; Morris L. Hennessey, 1981.
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2737
The Board of Sanitarian Registration was
created by Chapter 434, Acts of 1969 to is-
sue certificates of registration to applicants
who qualify as Registered Sanitarians, or as
Sanitarians-in-training. The Board consists
of five members appointed by the Governor
upon the recommendation of the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene and with the
advice and consent of the Senate for five-
year terms. The Board selects its own offi-
cers and conducts examination and keeps a
register of all applicants for registration
(Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees.
Staff: None.
Chairman: Harriet P. Trader, 1978
Wright Williamson, 1977; Milton Wittman,
1977; Eugene Schreiber, 1978.
James M. Chavis, Secretary, 1979
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7247
The Board of Social Work Examiners
created by Chapter 853, Acts of 1975 con-
sists of five members appointed by the Gov-
ernor for three year terms. Four members
must be licensed social workers. One mem-
ber represents the general public. One mem-
ber is selected from a list of nominees pre-
sented by the Maryland Chapter of the Na-
tional Association of Social Workers and
one from the Metropolitan Washington |