The Office of Project and Sector Studies
is responsible for responding to the research
needs of the other Divisions in the Depart-
ment. Analyses of specific aspects of the
State economy are conducted, the approach
being primarily micro in character. The
purpose of these studies is to provide a
quantitative and rational basis for industrial
and community development planning.
The Office of Statistical Information is
responsible for all technical information
gathering. It provides an information center
for economic and statistical data and serves
as the contact point between the State and
the sources of such data, which include the
U.S. Bureau of the Census, the U.S Depart-
ment of Commerce, the Federal Reserve
Districts, trade associations, non-profit or-
ganizations, and various State and local
organizations. This Office converts basic
information into specific materials pertinent
to business, industry and the general public.
John B. Moore, Jr., Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2150
The Division of Local and Regional De-
velopment was established in July, 1976 to
provide more effective management and co-
ordination of the Department's assistance to
local governments and regional organiza-
tions in their efforts to develop and imple-
ment economic development, housing and
historical-cultural programs. In cooperation
with local officials, the Division also pro-
vides training and management systems as-
sistance aimed at strengthening the manage-
ment capacity of local units of government.
In providing assistance, the Division
places primary emphasis on those local or
regional programs for which the Department
can deliver specific resources and/or on
programs for which the Department is ca-
pable of obtaining or coordinating use of
related State and Federal resources.
The Division helps local and regional
officials identify development problems or
issues, assess alternative courses of action, |
design specific action programs, and obtain
Department, other State, and Federal re-
sources useful in implementing development
As a clearinghouse for Departmental
services to sub-State units of government,
the Division coordinates State and local in-
volvement with a number of Federal pro-
grams related to economic development,
housing and historical-cultural matters.
The Division administers Maryland's Ap-
palachian Regional Commission (ARC)
development program and grant process to
ensure full use of available ARC resources
designed to stimulate economic and com-
munity development projects and activities
in Western Maryland.
To facilitate liaison with the three west-
ern counties of the State, the Division main-
tains the Department's Western Maryland
Regional Development Office in Hagers-
The Division undertakes responsibilities
for the Department as the designated State
agency for coordination of Economic De-
velopment Administration (EDA) programs
in Maryland through assistance aimed at
implementation of an Economic Develop-
ment Planning Program. It coordinates the
submission of development projects for
funding by EDA.
The Division also carries out responsibili-
ties for the Department as the Governor's
designated State liaison agency with the
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development for implementation of the Fed-
eral Community Development Block Grant
Program in Maryland. Direct technical as-
sistance is provided to local governments
and regional organizations to help them
develop program plans and applications for
Block Grant funds. In addition, the Division
assists local governments in obtaining De-
partmental housing - related resources to
complement local programs using Federal
Block Grant funds.
The Division serves as the Department's
liaison with the U. S. Department of Agri-
culture rural housing and development pro-
grams which provide resources relevant to
Maryland's local and regional development
activities. |