Claud D. Curlin, Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2144
The Division of News and Publications
(formerly the Office of News and Publica-
tions) was created in July, 1974 to expand
the Department's liaison with representa-
tives of the general, industrial and other
news media and with public relations per-
sonnel of business and industry and other
groups located in Maryland. The Division's
primary objective is to create a better public
understanding of Department programs. It
strives to accomplish this through an outflow
of information to representatives of the news
media, publication of the official MARY-
LAND Magazine, the production of many
Departmental publications including the
Directory of Maryland Manufacturers (bi-
ennially, odd years). Directory of Science
Resources for Maryland (biennially, even
years), and the Directory of Maryland Ex-
porters-Importers (triennially). The Divi-
sion also produces appropriate audio-visual
exhibits and presentations in support of or
in conjunction with Departmental activities.
It coordinates all paid advertising by the
Department and is responsible for the De-
partment's mailroom operations and supplies.
Robert M. Sparks, Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2120
The Division of Administrative Services
was established by order of the Secretary
in April, 1976 to integrate several essential
support services for the Department. It
provides advice, guidance, and technical
support to the Department's senior program
directors and operating components in vari-
ous areas of administrative management and
serves as the primary focus of responsibility
for the following: development, monitoring,
and evaluation of program plans; develop
ment of Departmental budget proposals and
projections; maintenance of fund accounts, |
and purchasing of product and services re-
quired for the conduct of Departmental
activities. The Division also provides com-
prehensive personnel services, maintains
liaison with building management to assure
proper repair and upkeep of grounds and
facilities, and monitors use of Departmental
motor vehicles.
Benjamin L. Hackerman, Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3522
The Maryland Housing Fund was estab-
lished by Chapter 669, Acts of 1971. The
primary aim of the Housing Fund is to
stimulate home ownership for various in-
come levels. The General Assembly found
that the flow of private investment capital
into the home financing sector of the hous-
ing industry could be stimulated by a mort-
gage program that would insure qualified
lending institutions against losses. The Fund
is backed by $20,000,000 in State general
obligation bonds and is operated through
virtually all lending institutions in the State
(Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp.,
Art. 41, sec. 257K). Chapter 697 of the
Acts of 1976, authorized an additional
$10,000,000 in reserves for the Maryland
Housing Fund.
Willard E. Bryant, Director
1748 Forest Drive,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2704
Codes Administration has direct respon-
sibility for the Industrialized Building and
Mobile Homes Code, the Model Perform-
ance Code, the Maryland Building Code for
the Handicapped and Aged, the administra-
tion of the Maryland Safety Glazing law,
and the adoption of energy saving measures
as part of the Model Performance Code.
The Industrialized Building and Mobile
Homes Code, established by Chapter 662,
Acts of 1971, offers certification standards
for any building, building sub-system or
component which is manufactured or par-
tially assembled off-site to be used in a |