lie with either of these bodies (Code 1957,
1973 Repl. Vol., Art. 23, sees. 412-419).
Vacancy, Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3161
The Community Development Adminis-
tration, created by Chapter 527, Acts of
1970, is one of the line agencies in the
Department of Economic and Community
Within the Community Development Ad-
ministration, the Housing Development Pro-
gram is responsible for providing below
market-rate interest construction and/or
permanent financing to private, non-profit,
and public sponsors to stimulate the pro-
duction of housing, both for-sale and ren-
tal, to meet the needs of the citizens of
Maryland, particularly families of limited
income and the elderly. The Program is
able to participate with the Federal gov-
ernment in order to take advantage of any
Federal subsidies available.
Projects financed by the Department of
Economic and Community Development
must be consistent with local priorities and
must complement and supplement local
community development programs and ini-
tiatives. Projects must meet eligibility cri-
teria and financing requirements and income
limits are established as the guideline for
persons served.
Additionally, the Community Develop-
ment Administration has the Maryland
Home Financing Program which was en-
acted by the General Assembly in the 1972
Legislative Session to provide direct mort-
gage loans, at a preferred rate of interest,
for moderate and limited income citizens
of the State who were unable to obtain
mortgage financing from conventional finan-
cial institutions at affordable terms and in-
terest rates. The applicants must meet all
eligibility criteria standards and certain es-
tablished income limits (Code 1957, 1971
Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sees. 266 DD-I to
266 DD-6). |
Padraic P. Frucht, Director
Korhan Berzeg, Deputy Director and Chief
of Office of Regional Economics
Jack Tawil, Chief, Office of Project and
Sector Studies
Neil M. Shpritz, Chief of Office of
Statistical Information
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3629
The Division of Research was created to
provide analytical support for economic
policy-making and development planning.
It also collects and maintains a data base
for the research needs of the Department,
and for use by the private sector. The Divi-
sion is responsible for various ad hoc proj-
ects of the Department, for monitoring
research proposals and contracts of other
divisions in the Department, and for repre-
senting the Department on numerous State-
wide committees and Task Forces.
The Office of Regional Economics is pri-
marily responsible for producing a study of
the State economy. The approach of this
study is macro in character, concerned with
inter-relationships among aggregate eco-
nomic variables such as Gross State Prod-
uct, taxes, employment, etc. The main pur-
pose of this effort is to provide a quantitative
and analytical basis for economic policy-
making and development planning The eco-
nomic theory, methodology, and results and
recommendations are presented annually in
a year-end report. A series of economic in-
dicators is published monthly as well as a
short appraisal of the economic situation in
The Office of Regional Economics has
the additional task of conducting sectoral
studies in the energy and transportation
fields. For example, technical advice is pro-
vided to the Department of Natural Re-
sources in the Maryland Power Plant Siting
Program. The Office is responsible for an-
ticipating to some extent the research needs
of the Department. To this end, significant
effort is being extended in the direction of
creating a socio-economic data-bank. |