State as provided in Cooperative Agree-
ments with the various counties. Landown-
ers are encouraged to file Johnsongrass
Control Plans with the Department outlining
methods and procedures for controlling
Johnsongrass on their land. The Department
is authorized to take regulatory actions
against landowners who allow Johnsongrass
to set seed on their property.
The Secretary of Agriculture has legisla-
tive authority to declare other noxious weeds
and place them under a control program
(Agriculture Art., sees. 9-401-9-405).
The objective of this Section is to provide
regulatory activities to assure accurate and
complete labeling of seed and sod at market-
ing, thus, enabling the consumer to deter-
mine what he is purchasing prior to planting
or installation. A State Testing Laboratory
is operated for both service and regulatory
testing to assure compliance with label
claims. The regulatory phase involves in-
spection, testing, reporting results and cor-
rective actions relative to each turf and
seed lot found to be in noncompliance with
the provisions of the seed law (Agriculture
Art., sees. 9-101-9-110; sees. 9-201-9-213;
sees. 9-301-9-307).
The objective of this Section is to assure
the availability of sufficient quantities of
certified seed by directing and conducting
certification programs in which seed is pro-
duced to meet certain standards for purity,
germination and other quality factors and
to certify the production of turfgrass under
certain standards involving purity, variety
and other quality factors. Participation in
the Programs by growers is voluntary. Un-
acceptable fields of seed or sod are rejected
as a result of field inspection or laboratory
testing (Agriculture Art., sees. 9-101-9-110;
sees. 9-201-9-213; sees. 9-301-9-307).
Staff: 1975, 60; 1976, 64; 1977, 63. |
Dr. Thomas A Ladson, Acting Director
Parole Plaza Office Building,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2331
The Animal Health Department is re-
sponsible for the control and eradication of
those diseases of livestock and poultry'
which are of significant economic impor-
tance to the producer, as well as those con-
tagious diseases of livestock and poultry
which pose a significant threat to the human
population of Maryland due to their frans-
missibility from animals to humans (Agri-
culture Art., sees. 3-101 to 3-503).
The Meat and Poultry Inspection Section
has the responsibility of assuring the Mary-
land consumer with a wholesome supply of
meat and poultry. This is accomplished by
a staff of 52 meat and poultry inspectors
assigned to 97 slaughtering and processing
plants located throughout the State. Fifty
percent of the cost of the State Meat and
Poultry Inspection is provided by the fed-
eral government (Agriculture Art, sees. 4-
101 to 4-131; 4-210 to 4-230).
Staff: 1975, 122; 1976, 127;
Chairman: W. Mitchell Digges
Ex officio members: Young D. Hance, Sec-
retary, Department of Agriculture; Frank
L. Bentz, Jr., Vice President for Agricul-
tural Affairs, University of Maryland: Al-
lie Messer, Maryland Agricultural Com-
mission; Herbert M. Sachs, designee of
the Secretary of the Department of Na-
tural Resources; Wilbert R. Paul, Presi-
dent of the Maryland Association of Soil
Conservation Districts.
Advisory non-voting members: Dr. John M.
Curtis, Director, Cooperative Extension
Service; Graham T. Munkittrick. State
Conservationist, United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Soil Conservation
Service. |