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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 127   View pdf image (33K)
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Measures Law. It maintains supervision
over weighing and measuring devices,
weights and measures and packaged com-
modities offered for sale, sold or in use in
the State. This supervision is extended to
the methodology employed relative to ob-
taining accurate measurement and providing
a means for value comparisons.
This Section is also charged with the
supervision and licensing of personnel en-
gaged in the handling and transportation,
as it relates to accurate and proper measure-
ment, of fluid dairy products. It is charged
with the administration and enforcement of
Title 11, Agricultural Article, Annotated
Code of Maryland, which is designed to
ensure accuracy and equity in the sale and
measurement of commodity and similar
transactions (Agriculture Art., sees. 11-101
to 11-509).
Staff: 1975, 5 1; 976, 52; 1977, 54.
Richard P. Parsons, Director
Parole Plaza Office Building,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2181
The Marketing Division provides pro-
grams and services designed to serve all
segments of the economy through the market
system from producer to consumer. Pro-
grams include: Federal-State market im-
provement projects, inspection and grading
of agricultural commodities, market news
and statistical reporting service in conjunc-
tion with the U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture, and an active consumer marketing
information program (Agriculture Art., sees.
10-101 to 10-204; 10-501 to 10-504; 10-
601 to 10-606; 10-701 to 10-708; 10-801
to 10-807; 10-901 to 10-909).
Staff: 1975, 38; 1976, 33; 1977, 32.
Ronald L. Johnson, Director
Parole Plaza Office Building,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2325
There are five major programs included
in this Section. The Mexican Bean Beetle

Parasite Program; to control the Mexican
Bean Beetle by rearing and releasing insect
predators of the beetle. The State Mosquito
Control Program; to control mosquito pop-
ulations by temporary (adulticiding and
larvaciding) and permanent (water man-
agement) methods. The Gypsy Moth Con-
trol Program; to prevent and control the
spread of Gypsy Moth by conducting sur-
veys, applying pesticides, releasing parasites
and enforcing quarantines. The Forest Pest
Management Program; to identify, by sur-
vey, forest pests and manage their popula-
tions, and the Pesticide Applicators Law
to regulate the use and application of pesti-
cides and to license or certify pesticide
The Chief of the Section provides general
supervision to the Program Supervisors and
coordinates the activities of his Section with
other programs in the Division and with
other state and federal regulatory officials
(Agriculture Art., 1976 Supp., sees. 5-201
through 5-211; 1975 Supp., sees. 5-301-
5-313 and sees. 5-401-5-405).
This Section is responsible for adminis-
tering the state plant protection and quaran-
tine programs, the Interstate Pest Control
Compact and for inspecting and registering
all honeybee colonies in the state. The Chief
of this Section provides general supervision
to the programs and serves as the State
Plant Pathologist. Personnel in this Section
serve as the state authority on plant pro-
tection and agricultural quarantines and
provide liaison for the Department with
other state and federal regulatory officials
(Agriculture Art., sees. 5-301-5-313; sees.
5-501-5-507; 1976 Supp., sees. 5-701-
The primary goal of the Weed Control
Section is to control and prevent the spread
of the undesirable and noxious weed John-
songrass within the state. The Johnsongrass
Control Program is basically designed to
assist landowners to bring the Johnsongrass
under control through their own efforts and
through the joint efforts of the County and

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Maryland Manual, 1977-78
Volume 178, Page 127   View pdf image (33K)
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