Appointed members: Donald L. Spickler,
Supervisor, Washington County Soil Con-
servation District, 1976; W. Mitchell
Digges, Supervisor, Charles Soil Conser-
vation District, 1977; Vernon Foster, Su-
pervisor, Baltimore County Soil Conserva-
tion District, 1978; C. Edward Holloway,
Supervisor, Wicomico Soil Conservation
District, 1979.
Arnold C. Hawkins, Executive Secretary
Parole Plaza Office Building,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2338
The State Soil Conservation Commit-
tee, established by Chapter 436, Acts of
1937, and as amended from time to time
since that date, consists of the Secretary of
the Department of Agriculture or any em-
ployee of the Department of Agriculture
whom lie designates, the Secretary of Na-
tural Resources, or any employee of the
Department of Natural Resources whom he
designates; the principal administrative offi-
cial for agricultural affairs at the University
of Maryland as designated by the President
of the University; the Chairman of the
Maryland Agriculture Commission, or other
member of the Commission he designates;
the President of the Maryland Association
of Soil Conservation Districts; four soil con-
servation district supervisors representing
the four different geographic areas of the
State appointed for four year terms by the
Secretary of Agriculture from recommenda-
tions made by the districts to be represented.
The State Soil Conservation Committee
has organized Soil Conservation Districts in
all counties of the State. The Committee
coordinates the work of the twenty-four
Soil Conservation Districts in Maryland to
further the application of scientifically sound
and practical conservation measures to the
lands in Maryland which will result in a
retardation of erosion and the advancement
of soil and water conservation. The Com-
mittee makes available to the districts such
funds as are made available to the Commit-
tee for use by the districts in implementing
the soil conservation district program.
The State Committee also assists Dis-
tricts in securing the advice and help of
State and Federal agencies which have re- |
sources that can be brought to bear on
soil and water problems and on certain
phases of related land use programs and
problems, including watershed protection
and flood prevention, siltation of streams
and reservoirs, shore erosion control, high-
way erosion control, forest and woodland
conservation and development, the protec-
tion and development of wildlife, and the
development of public land areas (Agricul-
ture Art., sees. 8-101 to 8-601).
Staff: 1975, 10; 1976, 12; 1977, 12.
Chairman: Anthony J. Rubino, 1980
Edward W. Hepburn, 1977; Edwin T. Mc-
Nutt, 1977; Andrew H. Lohr, Jr., 1978;
Theodore Stegmaier, 1978; Richard M
Allen, 1979; Raymond K. Gardenhour,
Joseph F. Cox, Secretary
13 W. High Street,
Hancock (Washington
County) 21756 Telephone: 678-6770
The Maryland State Apple Commission
was created by Chapter 628, Acts of 1947.
The seven-man Commission is appointed to
four-year terms by the Governor from a list
of fruit growers approved by the Executive
Committee of the Maryland State Horticul-
tural Society. The Commission raises funds
for publicity and advertising, sales promo-
tion, education, and research to increase the
demand for, and consumption of, Maryland
apples. All apples of U S. Number 1 Can-
ner Grade or better, grown in Maryland
and sold in commercial trade, are subject
to a tax of one cent a bushel. However, the
first five hundred bushels sold by any pro-
ducer are tax-exempt. Commercial growers
must report all apples sold during the crop
season by December 31 each year. Apples
sold after the season must be reported by
the close of the following May. The Com-
mission deposits the funds received from
these sources with the State Treasurer in a
Merchandising Fund, and none of this
money may be used for any other purpose,
operating expenditures excepted (Agricul-
ture Art., sees. 10-401 to 10-406). |