Silver Spring, Montgomery County 57,82,89,
Sinepuxent Bay Wildlife Management
Area - 107
Sixth Appellate Judicial Circuit 379,381,386,
Sixth Judicial Circuit:
election returns 523,557,565,571
Judges listed 383,387
Sixth Massachusetts Regiment 38
Sleeping car companies, regulated 238
Small Loan Law 179, addenda
Small Watershed Program III
Small Loans, Commissioner of
duties - 196
mentioned 177, addenda
Smallwood State Park 109,113,115
Snow Hill, Worcester County 137,139,163.
Social Security:
Act 69,138,253
and State employees 153
see also Employment Security,
Department of
Social Services
County Boards of 132-33,423
County Departments of 132-33,423
Director of
County - 423
see also officers under
individual counties
State 100,131,132,139,140,
State Board of 132,423
State Department of 131, 132-35
Social Services Administration:
appeals to 131
description 131-35
mentioned 45,73,75,76,100,423
Special Assistant Attorney
General to 62
Social Work, State Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene 78
Social Work. University of Maryland
School of - 270,274
Societies and Associations. State aid to 413
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals 186
Soil conservation 275.282-83
Soil Conservation Committee,
State 282-83,425
Soil Conservation District
Supervisors 119,282-83,425
gee also officers under
individual counties
Soil Conservation Services:
see officers under
individual counties |
Soldier's Delight State Park 106
Soldiers' Bonus Bill 310
Solicitor, County:
see officers listed in
various counties
Solid Wastes, Division of. State
Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene 72
Solomons, Calvert County 276
Somerset County
alcoholic beverage license appeals 59
area 817
cities and towns 508
county seat 481,814
Court terms 816
Delegate 315,327,529
Democratic State Central
Committee 596
election districts 829
name and origin 814
officers, appointment of 419-25,
482n, 483n
officers listed 481-83
population 818,829
Republican State Central
Committee 602
Senators 315,322,525
taxable basis 414
voter registration 586
Song, State 811
South Mountain, Battle of 39,147
South Mountain State Park 115
South Mountain Watershed Area 106
Southern Economic Region 213,214
Southern Intercollegiate Rowing
Association 269
Southern Interstate Nuclear
Board 211
Southern Maryland'
Development Credit Corporation 214
Economic Development Advisory
Commission members 214
Fire Prevention Commission 159
mental hospital for 80
plumbing board members 192
Real Estate Commission Member 195
State Roads Commission
Members 208
on State Agencies 127,230
Tri-County Council for 246
Southern Maryland Children's Center 74
see Thomas J. S. Waxter Children's
Southern Maryland Correctional
Camp, Hughesville 168,169
Southern Regional Education
Board 264 |