Southern Regional Headquarters,
Fish and Wildlife Administration 105
Sovereign Immunity and State Torts
Claims Act Study Commission 297
Soybeans, value of product 29
Space Advisory Committee,
State Office Building addenda
Spanish-American War Veterans 40
Spanish-Speaking People,
Commission on 131,143-44
Sparrows Point) Baltimore County 139
Speaker, House of Delegates:
appointments 130,210,219,257,298,
311,313, 314, 373, 374
historical list of 770-71
ex officio memberships 19-20,220,234,
see also House of Delegates
Special Appeals, Court of
see Court of Special Appeals
Special Appellate Circuits:
election returns 563
see also Appellate Judicial Circuits
Special Fund Agencies 149
Special Impact programs 136
Special Matters Subcommittee,
House of Delegates 320
Special Milk Program 149
Special Police, commissions to ,, 54
Special Schools, State-aid to 413
Special Services, Office of. State
Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene 67,84
Special taxing areas 310
Sport) State 810
Spring Grove State Hospital 45,79,81,253
Springfield State Hospital 79, 81,253
Stamp Act 36
Stamp companies, regulation of 54
"The Star-Spangled Banner" 37
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House
Association 413
State Agencies-
accounts audited 312
appropriations) 1971 397
appropriations) 1972 407
buildings 45-46
capital improvements 145-48
communications 150
counsel 65
deeds to property 61
description of 49) 299
employees 152-56) 234
insurance policies 61
land transfers 55
leases - 55
Legislature's power to create 309-11
mail and messenger service 150 |
and motor vehicles 101) 294
property 61
publications 151,393
purchases 146, 149
records 151
regulations 54,314,392
State aid:
education 413
police protection 163
schools and colleges 413
societies and associations 413
welfare institutions 413
State Aid and Charities, Board of 132
State Central Committees:
Democratic 591-96
Republican 596-602
State Circle, Annapolis 234
State Employees Surety Bond
Committee 234
State Guard 51,232
State House) Annapolis 37,47,148,235
State House Replica, St. Mary's City 224
State House Trust 235
State Office Building, Annapolis 45,148
State Office Buildings,
Baltimore 46,148-50, addenda
see Baltimore Public Buildings
and Grounds
State Office Space Committee addenda
State Use Industries program 165-68
State's Attorney:
counsel 65
elected 419
see also officers under
individual counties
Stationary engines, license to operate 236
accident 161,163
criminal 162
educational 254
health 84
labor 137
motor vehicles 204
Statistics and Information, Bureau of 187
Statistics and Special Studies
Section) Division of Economic
Development 251
Steam boiler regulations 184
Steam engines) license to operate 184
Steam railroads regulated 238
Steamboat companies licensed,
regulated 58,238
Stevensville, Queen Anne's County 105,199
Stewart Hill, Baltimore 171
Stocks, Treasurer's custodianship of 61
Stokes Building, Annapolis 148
Stone) value of product 29
Storage licenses 58 |