Page |
Page |
School for Boys, Maryland . 75 |
political composition 772 |
School for the Blind, Maryland 277,413 |
President - 309 |
School for the Deaf, Maryland 263-64 |
see President, State Senate |
School Health Council, Maryland 100, addenda |
qualifications of members 309 |
Schools: |
representation on State agencies |
accreditation 251,631-32 |
120, 129-30,140,210,219,242, |
bus transportation 295-96,570 |
243,245. 256,288,289,291, |
health programs 100 |
296,297,313,314 |
licensing of - 254 |
Roster of Members 320-22 |
lunch programs 251 |
Special Session, June 1971 319-20 |
non-public. State aid to 56 |
term of office 309 |
State-aided 56.277,413 |
vacancies 309 |
see also Education; Professional |
Senate Office Building 46 |
Schools |
Senator, U. S.- |
Schougurow v State 623n |
election returns 519,551,552,560,575 |
Science Advisory Council, Governor's 297 |
historical list 783-86 |
Science Resources Advisory Board, |
Seneca State Park 109,113, 115 |
Governor's 297 |
Serious Disability Section Workmen's |
Scrap processors license 204,206,208 |
Compensation Commission 240 |
Seafood Marketing Authority: |
Service marks, use of 54 |
description 211 |
Service Officer, Maryland |
mentioned 225 |
Veterans Commission 138 |
Seafood Processing Laboratory, Natural |
Seth Demonstration State Forest III, 115 |
Resources Institute, Crisfield 276 |
Seventh Judicial Circuit- |
Seafood production 30,125,225 |
election returns 523,558 |
see also Clams; Crabs; Fish; Oysters |
Judges listed 384,387 |
Second Appellate Judicial Circuit 379,381, |
Seventy-Ninth Infantry Division 40 |
386,522,557 |
Severn River — 34 |
Second Judicial Circuit 383,386,419,557, |
Severn Run State Park 115 |
564,582 |
Sewage disposal: |
Second Special Appellate Circuit 563 |
Annapolis 413 |
Secondary Mortgage Law 180 |
companies regulated 238 |
Secretary of Slate: |
construction for 303-04 |
Biographical Sketch 13 |
planning for 77,121,303-04,732-39 |
duties . 53-55 |
treatment 72,77,121,242,304 |
historical list 766 |
see also Metropolitan Commission, |
membership on State boards 52 |
Howard County; Sanitary |
mentioned 52,228,242,243,374 |
Commissions; Urban Services |
Secretary to County Council |
Commission, Wicomico County |
see officers hated in |
Sex discrimination 230 |
various counties |
Shad Landing State Park 109,113,115 |
Securities, Division of 65 |
"Shangri-La," presidential retreat 41 |
Securities Act, State 65,66,182 |
Shaw House, Annapolis 48,148 |
Securities Commissioner 65 |
Sheriff: |
Sediment control laws 318 |
counsel 65 |
Seed Inspection Service 275 |
elected -- 419 |
Senate, State: |
see also officers under |
Biographical Sketches 337-47
committees listed 320 |
individual counties
Sheriffs Association, Maryland 175 |
and county appointments 51,52,419-25
districts 315-18.328-29(map), |
Shore erosion 103,116,492
Shore Erosion Construction Loan Fund 104 |
330(map), 331 (map), 332(map).
333(map), 334(map), 335(map),
336(map), 793-95 |
Shore Erosion Control Program 104
Shore Erosion Division, Department of
Chesapeake Bay Affairs 103 |
election returns 524-25 |
Shoreline Commission, Worcester |
and Governor's appointments 51-52 |
County - 492 |
membership 309 |
Short Courses, University of Maryland 275 |
officers 309 |
Sideling Hill Wildlife Management Area 106 |