regional .......----.ISO, 246,287,301-03
school '--.--- 251
Spanish-speaking people .........-- 143
State ---.-- ...... 46,129-30, 145-48
transit and transportation...--202,287
water --- 127
Planning and Zoning Commissions,
County ---.------.- 423
see officers under
individual counties
Planning Commission, State-.-....129,130
Planning Department, State:
description -.- .---129-30
mentioned -.---.--- -60,126, 148,201,
244, 246,247,260-61,286
Planning Department, State, Secretary of:
duties -----...------......129-30
membership on State boards -52,60,126,
Planning Directors, County-.- 423
see officers under
individual counties
Planning Division, Department of
Forests and Parks-...---113
Planning Division, State Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene.---. 84
Plant Management, Office of,
Department of General Services-145,148
Plant Pest Control-...----.-.-- 275
Plats .......-....---148,152
Plumbing Boards, appointment 424
see also officers under
individual counties
Plumbing, The State Board of
Commissioners of Practical:
description ....-192
mentioned 177
Plumbing inspection . 303
Plumbing licenses 192
see also officers tinder
individual counties
Pocomoke City, Worcester County...-139,234
Pocomoke River Wildlife Management
Area --107
Pocomoke Sound Wildlife Management
Area .-..107
Pocomoke State Forest --..-107,111,114
Podiatry Association, Maryland.- 85
Podiatry Examiners, Board of-67,85
Poet Laureate of Maryland...-. 810
Poetry Day 810
Point Comfort ---.... -.... 32
Point Lookout State Park... -109,113,115
Point System .. 204
Poison laws .. 83
Baltimore City - .-62,157,160
Marine ..105 |
see also officers under
individual counties
Police, State:
description of -....---.......162-63
mentioned --45,73,93,94, 143,153,154.
155,156, 157, 160, 161,294,296
Police Academy, Maryland State- 163
Police Commissioner, Baltimore
City --..----...........-497,497n
see also Baltimore City Police
Police Protection Fund . 163
Police Retirement System. State-..-152-53
Police Training Commission, Maryland:
description -.--160-61
mentioned .156
Political Composition of the
General Assembly ...- 772
atmosphere --.--- -.72,86,121
radiological and thermal ---- - 72,77,95
water -.96, 120,121,122,126,241 -42
Poplar Hill Correctional Camp,
Quantico -.................168-69
Population of Maryland:
cities and towns...--30,38.819-25
Congressional Districts .-.-- 787
counties -...............818,826-30
election districts .-...-.-..826-30
estimates -.......... -...... .... 122
State . 29,35,122,244,818,826-30
Port, Baltimore --- 30,43,202-03
Port Administration, Maryland:
description --- ... ... ... 202-03
mentioned ----.197, 198,218,241,286
Port Authority, Maryland--....-198,202
see Port Administration, Maryland
Port Deposit, Cecil County.....- 41
Port facilities development --...-43,198
Portable engines, license to operate. 184
Post Conviction Procedure Act -379,381
Post-Mortem Examiners,
Commission --...-- 93,94,421
Post-Mortem Examiners,
Department of --- .--93-94
Posts, State Police .. 163
Potatoes, value of product -.- 29
Potomac River:
Civil War and-........... 39
compacts - -.122,124,125,319
exploration 25
fisheries -.- ....-185, 247-48, 249-50
flood control -.....-122,281,301-03
planning ............ -.-.. 122
water supply ... - -....122,304
Potomac River Advisory
Committee .......................102,124-25
Potomac River Basin, Interstate Advisory
Committee on .-124 |