Potomac River Basin, Interstate
Commission on
see Interstate Commission on the
Potomac River Basin
Potomac River Basin Commission 124
Potomac River Bridge, Newburg 198,199,200
Potomac River Conservancy District 121
Potomac River Filtration Plant 304
Potomac River Fisheries
Commission 102,125
Potomac State Forest 106,109,111,114
Potomac Water Authority, Maryland 281,
see also officers listed in
various counties
diseases - - 275
industry 275,278,285,289
inspection 284
research - 275
value of product 29
Poultry Advisory Council, Wholesome 284-85
Poultry Inspection Act 275,285
Poultry-Vegetable Research Farm,
Salisbury 275
Poverty program 141,144
Power boats, regulated 238
Power Plant, Annapolis 148
Practical nurse licenses 88
Prayers 539
Pro-Release Center, Hagerstown 167
President, State Senate:
appointments 130,214,219,257,
ex officio memberships 119-20,210,220,
historical list 768-70
succession to governorship 311
President, Town Commissions 505-09
President, United States:
election returns - 559
electoral votes 804
mentioned 47,530
Presidential primary 54,585
Prevailing Wage Rates Advisory Council.
description 190
mentioned 177
Preventive Medicine Administration,
State Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene:
description 83
mentioned 69
Previous Practice or Reciprocity Acts 97
Primary elections.
dates . 586
returns 1968 575-584
returns 1970 548-558
Primary metal products, value of 29 |
Prince Frederick, Calvert County 163,171,
Prince George's Community
College 422,472,831
Prince George's County-
area 817
Beautification Committee -. 114
bonds 574
boundary 573
Charter Board 546
Chief Administrative Officer 470
Circuit Court 523,558
cities and towns 508
Community College Board of
Trustees 422,472
County seat 469,813
County Council 471
Court terms 816
Delegates 314,315,326-27,529
Democratic State Central
Committee . 595
Economic Development Advisory
Committee 474,474n
election districts 828-29
Executive 420,421,470
Finance Director 420
Historical and Cultural Trust 474,474n
Hospital Advisory Board 472,472n
land acqusition 566
local referenda 546,573-74
membership on Greater Laurel
Hospital Authority 99
membership on Human Rights
Commission 230
membership on Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning
Commission 301,473,473n
membership on Maryland Potomac
Water Authority 281,473
membership on State Roads
Commission 208
membership on Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission 303-04,473
membership on Washington Suburban
Transit Commission 304-05,473
mental hospital for 81,82
motor vehicle office in 204
name and origin 813
officers, appointment of 419-25,470n,
471n, 472n, 473n, 474n, 475n
officers listed 469-75
population 818,828-29
planning 301-03,473
recreation 302
Republican State Central
Committee 601
Revolutionary War in 36 |