Patapsco River - 199,200
Patapsco State Park 109,113,115
Patapsco Tunnel 199
Patents, land - 151-52
Patuxent Filtration Plant -—- - —.- — 304
Patuxent Institution
description 172-75
mentioned 44, 158, 157, 175, 176
Patuxent Institution, Board of 172,173
Patuxent River 41,304
Patuxent River Naval Air
Station 41,479,479n
Patuxent River Watershed Act 114
Patuxent River Watershed Advisory
Committee 102,120
Patuxent State Park 109,115
Peabody Institute of the City of
Baltimore 150,831
Peat, value of product - - 29
Peggy Stewart (ship) 36
Penal Farm, Maryland State 167
Penitentiary, Maryland:
description 166
mentioned 163,164,167,168,175,253
Pennsylvania Electric Company 128
see Employment Security,
Department of; Retirement Systems
People's Counsel) Public Service
Commission 238
People's Courts . 47.391
see District Court of Maryland;
see also officers listed in
individual counties
Performing arts 219
Perkins State Hospital 44.79-80
Permanent Boards of Registry-
appointment 421
see also officers under
individual counties
Permanent Commission on
Municipal Courts 237
see officers under
individual counties
Perry Point, Cecil County 139
Perryville, Cecil County 139,200
Personal property tax 58
Personal Rights Subcommittee,
House of Delegates 320
Personnel, Commissioner of 152
see Personnel, Secretary of
Personnel, Department of
description 152-53
mentioned 318
Special Assistant Attorney General 63
Personnel, Secretary of-
duties 152-53 |
membership on State boards 52,153,
Personnel and Training, Comptroller if
the Treasury - 58
Pesticides, inspection of - 275
Petersburg, Va. — - - 39
Petitions, filing of - — — 54
Petroleum products 30
Pharmaceutical Association, Maryland 91,94
Pharmaceutical industry 72
Pharmacy, Maryland Board of 67,94
Pharmacy, University of Maryland
School of 270,273,274
Physical Education, Recreation, and
Health, College of. University of
Maryland 271,274
Physical Fitness Commission, State:
description - 93
mentioned- 67
Physical Fitness Commissions,
County - - — 93,421
see also officers listed in
various counties
Physical Therapy Examiners,
Board of 67,90,91, addenda
Physicians, licensing of 90
Physiography of Maryland 29
Pikesville, Baltimore County 152.157.160,
Piling, value of product 29
Pilots, licensing of - - 191
Pilots, Board of Examiners of:
description 190-91
mentioned 177
Pilots Association, Maryland 190
Pine Bluff State Hospital 44,70
Piscataway Bay 304
Pittsburgh, Pa. 202
Planimetric Maps - — 158
aged - 140
agencies 241-46,301-03
county 301-03
see officers under
individual counties
drug abuse control —- 71
educational - 253
emergency functions 157-58
family 133
forests and parks - - -- 301-03
grants 129
health 68,84,100
historic preservation 221
law enforcement and criminal
Justice 157
library 252
outdoor recreation 113
public improvements 46,145,147-48 |