Nursery, State Forest 29,114
Nursery industry 278,289
Nurses, State Board of
Examiners of - 67,88
Nurses Association, State 88,100
Nursing, National League for 88
home licensing 86,91,96-97
Public Health 78
school licensing 254
training 88
University of Maryland
School of 270,273,274
Nursing Home Administrators,
Board of Examiners of
description 67
mentioned 96-97
Nursing Home Association, Inc,
Maryland 85,91
Nursing Home Boards, County 421
Nursing Home Study Commission 295
Nursing Services, State Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene 78
Nuts, value of product 29
Oakland, Garrett County 137,139,234,
Occupational Diseases, Medical
Board for 240
Occupational Health and Safety Acts
(U S) 69
Occupational Health and Safety
Advisory Board
description - 189
mentioned 177
Occupational Safety Advisory Board 189
Occupational Safety Laws 187
Ocean City, Worcester County 42,222-23,
Ocean City Convention Hall
Commission 211,222-23
Odenton - - ' 40
Off-Campus Division, University of
Maryland 272,274
Office Services Section, Department of
General Services 149,150
Office space allocation 55
Ohio River Basin 35,129-30
Oil and gas resource; 116
Oil Compact Commission, Interstate 119
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 119
Old Treasury Building, Annapolis 148
Older Americans Act of 1965 140
Oldtown Allegany County 428n
Olney, Montgomery County 234
Omaha Beachhead - 41
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act W. S ) 231 |
Open-pit mining operations -118,119
Open space program 111,120
Operations Bureau, Maryland
State Police -- -162
Opportunity Studies 216
Optometrists. Maryland Association of .. 89
Optometry, Board of Examiners in - 67,89
Organization and Procedure,
Joint Committee on — 320
Orphans' Court.
Days - - 814-16
Judges 419
see also officers under
individual counties
Osteopathic Association, Maryland 97
Osteopathic Examiners, Board of 67,97
Osteopaths, licensing of 90
Outdoor Recreation Loan 114
Outpatient Care 78,173
Outreach Stations 138
Owings Mills, Baltimore
County 80,82,105,261
conservation 106,125
value of catch 30,570
Paca House, Annapolis 48,221
Paintings 146
Parallel Bay Bridge 198, 199
Pardon, power of 51, 54,170,171
Paris, Treaty of 37
Park and Planning Commission,
Maryland-National Capital 301-03
Park Beards, County - 424
Maryland-Washington Metropolitan
District 110-14,301-03
planning for 301-03
State 110-14
tax 302
Parks Division, Department of Forests
and Parks 113
Parkville, Baltimore County 234
Parole, Anne Arundel County 171
Parole, Board of:
description 171
mentioned 71.156,170,172
Parole and Probation, Advisory
Board of - 164,17?
Parole and Probation, Board of 171
Parole and Probation, Department of 169
see Parole and Probation, Division of
Parole and Probation, Division of-
description 169-71
mentioned 71,140,156,157,172,174,175
Parole laws - 169,171 |