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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 80   View pdf image (33K)
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Appropriations 1971 1972
General Funds $3,103,129 $3,249,057
Federal Funds 137,431 93,577
Staff, 1971: 307; Staff, 1972: 311.
George McK. Phillips, M.D., Superintendent
Russell S. Maranto, Assistant Superintendent
Crownsville (Anne Arundel County) 21032 Telephone: 647-5200
Crownsville State Hospital, established by Chapter 250, Acts of 1910,
as the Hospital for the Negro Insane of Maryland, was opened to
patients in 1911. It adopted its present name by Chapter 187, Acts of
1912. Chapter 685 of the Acts of 1949 omitted reference to race. Since
1963 the hospital has been racially integrated and at present the
patient population is equally balanced between white and black. The
hospital provides for the care of mentally ill patients from Baltimore
City zones 1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 22, 24, 25, and 31, and Anne Arundel, Charles,
Calvert and St. Mary's Counties. Crownsville is located approximately
eight miles west of Annapolis on Route 178, four miles from Route 3.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 1,450 for 1971, and
1,300 for 1972.
Appropriations 1971 1972
General Funds $9,031,109 $9,765,221
Staff, 1971: 1,023; Staff, 1972: 1,070.
Harold M. English, M.D., Superintendent
Cambridge (Dorchester County) 21613 Telephone: 228-0800
The Eastern Shore State Hospital, established by Chapter 187, Acts
of 1912, admitted its first patients in 1915. This hospital provides for
the care of mentally ill patients, who are residents of the Eastern
Shore except Cecil County.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 465 for the fiscal
year 1971, and 450 for the fiscal year 1972.
Appropriations 1971 1972
General Funds $5,283,472 $5,805,768
Staff, 1971: 585; Staff, 1972: 581.
George P. Brown, M.D., Director
Owings Mills 21117 Telephone: 363-1466
This Center provides intensive inpatient psychiatric treatment for
children who are seriously emotionally ill. The Institute consists of
the Esther Loring Richards Building opened in 1958 and the Jacob
E. Finesinger Building opened in 1961. Children requiring either short
or long term care are admitted up to their thirteenth birth date.
Albert A. Kurland, M.D., Superintendent
Catonsville (Baltimore County) 21228 Telephone: 747-8700

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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
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