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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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The Administration comprises the Department of Mental Hygiene,
established by Chapter 685, Acts of 1949 to supersede the Board of
Mental Hygiene. This Board, created by Chapter 29, Acts of 1922 as
part of a reorganization of the Executive Branch, had carried on and
expanded the functions of the State Lunacy Commission, established
by Chapter 487, Acts of 1886, to inspect public and private institutions
for the insane and to advise their Boards of Managers. The Act of
1949 abolished not only the Board of Mental Hygiene but also the
separate governing boards of the State mental hospitals and gave to
the new department full and plenary powers over, and supervision of,
all matters relating to the custody, care, and treatment of persons
of unsound mind. The Department supervises and licenses all insti-
tutions, public, private, or corporate in which mental patients are
detained (Code 1957, 1968 Repl. Vol., 1971 Supp., Art. 59).
The Administration is headed by a Commissioner, certified in
psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and
appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene. The Commissioner is responsible for
discharging the functions assigned by the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene, and for the direction of the Administration.
The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene appoints, on the advice
of the Commissioner, the Superintendents of Spring Grove State
Hospital, Springfield State Hospital, Eastern Shore State Hospital,
Crownsville State Hospital, The Clifton T. Perkins State Hospital,
as well as any other hospitals or facilities which may come within his
administration. Each Superintendent must have such qualifications as
may from time to time be specified by the Secretary (Code 1957, 1968
Repl. Vol., Art. 59, sec. 19).
Under the provisions of the Maryland Community Mental Health
Services Act of 1966 (Chapter 125, Acts of 1966), the Commissioner
of Mental Hygiene, with the approval of the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene, is empowered to make State grants-in-aid to further
community mental health services. The Act also provides that he is
to supervise and be the administrative head of the program. The Act
contains provisions for the establishment of local mental health ad-
visory committees (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sec. 1J).
Appropriations 1971 1972
General Funds $7,331,054 $8,749,834
Staff, 1971: 87; Staff, 1972: 96.
John M. Hamilton, M.D., Superintendent
Jessup (Howard County) 20794 Telephone: 799-1700
The Clifton T. Perkins State Hospital was established by Chapter
814, Acts of 1959, as Maximum Security Hospital. It adopted its pres-
ent name in 1960. Designed to provide active treatment programs
.within a setting of maximum security, the hospital is located midway
between Baltimore and Washington, D. C.
The hospital receives patients who are referred by the courts of
Maryland for pre-trial psychiatric evaluation and provides a residen-
tial service for individual offenders who have been found to' be "not
guilty by reason of insanity," as well as hospitalization for inmates
of penal institutions who become mentally ill and require such hos-
pitalization. In addition, the hospital accepts transfer patients whose
illness requires maximum security treatment for a period of time.
The hospital is designed for a maximum capacity of 246.

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Maryland Manual, 1971-72
Volume 175, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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