Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1935-39, 1947-59, and
since 1961. 1
FRANK G. PERRIN, Republican, Charles County; born in Osceola,
Arkansas, December 13, 1927. Attended Riverside Military Academy,
Gainesville, Ga.; U. S. Naval Academy, B.S., 1951; Georgetown Uni-
versity School of Law, LL.B., 1959. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1960. Served with the U. S. Navy, 1945-47; U. S. Marine Corps, 1951-57.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
WILLIAM H. PETERS, JR., Democrat, Baltimore County; born in
Baltimore County, January 26, 1914. Attended Baltimore County
public schools. Restaurateur. Member, Membership Committee, Mary-
land Savings-Share Insurance Corporation. Member, Chase-Bengies
Democratic Club; 15th District Democratic Club; Free State Demo-
cratic Club; 28th Precinct Democratic Club. Member, Board of Direc-
tors, Essex-Middle River Chamber of Commerce. Member, Board of
Directors and Secretary, Back and Middle River Building and Loan
Association. Past president, Baltimore County Licensed Beverage
Association. Member, Maryland Restaurant Association; Maryland
State Licensed Beverage Association. Past president, Eastern Boule-
vard Lions Club. Member, Masons; Shrine; Baltimore Yacht Club.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
MARK 0. PILCHARD, Democrat, Worcester County; born in Poco-
moke City, March 20, 1924. Attended Stockton public schools. Farmer
and hybrid seed corn agent. Member, Board of Directors, Worcester
County Mental Health Association. Past president, Pocomoke City
Junior Chamber of Commerce. Past vice president, Maryland Junior
Chamber of Commerce. Member, Farm Bureau; Maryland Swine
Producers Association; Masons; Pocomoke Raritan Club. Received
citation as Outstanding Young Man, 1958, presented by Pocomoke
City Junior Chamber of Commerce. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1959.
NORMAN E. POLK, Democrat, Worcester County; born in Somer-
set County, August 12, 1902. Attended Worcester County public
schools. Lumberman and farmer. Member, Board of Directors, Mc-
Cready Memorial Hospital. Member, Maryland State Commission on
the Aging. Member, Navy Civilian Advisory Council. Trustee, Pitt's
Creek Presbyterian Church. Past president, Delmarva Lumbermen's
Association. Member, Farm Bureau; Pocomoke Chamber of Com-
merce. Past president, Pocomoke Rotary Club. Member, Elks; Terra-
pin Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1958. 2
GEORGE A. PRICE, Republican, Baltimore County; born in Phoenix,
May 22, 1926. Attended Baltimore County public schools; Mercers-
burg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa.; University of Maryland. Farmer.
Director, Baltimore County Soil Conservation District. Member, Bal-
timore County Forestry Board. Chairman of Boy Scout Troop Com-
mittee, Troop 485. Past president, Baltimore County Farm Bureau.
President, Maryland Angus Association. Chairman of the Board of
Baltimore County Petroleum Corporation. Executive board member,
Eastern National Livestock Show, Inc. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, January 8, 1961, vice Charles McC.
Mathias, Jr., resigned.
2 Appointed to the House of Delegates, February 6, 1968, vice Myrtle A. Polk,