W. PERRY DOING, Republican, Montgomery County; born in
Washington, D. C., March 3, 1921. Attended Washington, D. C. public
schools; Columbus University, LL.B., 1942. Admitted to the Mary-
land Bar, 1954. Served with the U. S. Army during World War II.
Member, Montgomery County Bar Association; Silver Spring Board
of Trade; National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America;
Reciprocity Club of Silver Spring. Director, Boys Club of Silver
Spring. Vice president, Wheaton Lions Club. Member, Masons. Past
commander, Wheaton Post No. 268, American Legion. Past president,
Glen-Haven Parent-Teachers Association. Member, D. C. Society,
Sons of the Revolution. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1963.
BENNIE C. DOWELL, Democrat, Calvert County; born in Lusby,
October 27, 1900. Attended Calvert County public schools. Seafood
dealer. Member, Masons; Shrine; Lions; Y.M.C.A.; Calvert County
Historical Society; Solomons Island Yacht Club. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1955.
WILLIAM B. DULANY, Democrat, Carroll County; born in Carroll
County, September 4, 1927. Attended Carroll County public schools;
Western Maryland College, A.B., 1950; University of Michigan Law
School; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1953. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar, 1953. Served with the U. S. Navy during World
War II. Member, American, Maryland, and Carroll County Bar As-
sociations. Vestryman, Ascension Parish. Member, C.P.H.A. of Balti-
more; Junior Chamber of Commerce; Chesapeake Toastmasters;
Maryland Historical Society; Carroll County Historical Society. Trus-
tee, Heart Association of Maryland. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1963.
C. HAYES DUVALL, Democrat, Anne Arundel County; born in
Anne Arundel County, April 4, 1907. Attended Anne Arundel County
public schools; Eaton and Burnett School. Paving contractor. Board
member, Recreation Association; Calvary Methodist Church. Past
president, Eastport Civic Association; Kiwanis Club; Maryland School
Bus Association; Anne Arundel County School Bus Association.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
MEYER M. EMANUEL. JR., Democrat, Prince George's County;
born in Washington, D. C., April 4, 1919. Attended New York City
public schools; College of the City of New York, B.B.A., 1940. Certi-
fied public accountant. Served with the U. S. Air Force during World
War II. Member, Prince George's County Fiscal Advisory Committee,
1959-61; Advisory Board to County Commissioners for Metropolitan
Improvement District, 1955-57. Chairman, Suburban Advisory Board,
American Automobile Association. Member, American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants; District of Columbia Institute of Certi-
fied Public Accountants. Vice chairman, Advisory Committee, State
National Bank, Bethesda. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1963.
HARVEY A. EPSTEIN, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Balti-
more, April 12, 1937. Attended Baltimore public schools; Talmudical
Academy; University of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law
School, LL.B., 1959. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1959. Law Clerk
to City Solicitor, 1957-60. Member, Young Democrats; American and
Baltimore City Bar Associations; Nu Beta Epsilon. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1963.