NOEL SPEIR COOK, Republican, Allegany County; born in Frost-
burg, November 13, 1905. Attended Frostburg public schools; Frost-
burg State Teachers College; honor graduate, University of Maryland
Law School, LL.B., 1930. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1930. Former
City Attorney for Lonaconing. Past president, Allegany County Bar
Association. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity; Eagles; Elks;
Masons; Shrine; Maplehurst Country Club. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1947.
WILLIAM P. CORRIGAN, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Balti-
more, October 28, 1912. Attended Baltimore parochial schools. Glass
operator. Chairman, B.B.B.A. Local No. 118. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1951.
JAMES S. DEMBOWSKI, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in Balti-
more, July 28, 1916. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools.
Hotel and tavern operator, longshoreman. Served with U. S. Navy in
World War II. Member, Board of Governors, 2nd Ward Polish-Amer-
ican Democratic Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1959.
ROBERT J. DENTZ, Democrat, Prince George's County; born in
Washington, D. C., March 11, 1926. Attended Washington, D. C. pub-
lic schools; George Washington University, B.A., 1950. President of
advertising and public relations agency. Served with the U. S. Navy
in World War II. Member, Northwest Democratic Club; Young
Democratic Club of Prince George's County. Member, executive
board and public relations director. Fair Representation Committee.
Member, Chillum Adelphi Beltsville Association. President, Carole
Highlands Citizens' Association. Delegate, Prince George's Civic Fed-
eration. Member, Washington Club of Phi Sigma Kappa; Pi Delta
Epsilon honorary journalism fraternity. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1963.
R. SAMUEL DILLON, JR., Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hancock, Allegany County, November 27, 1915. Attended Hancock
public schools; Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa.; Dartmouth
College, A.B., cum laude, 1937. Farmer and innkeeper. Served with
the U. S. Navy during World War II. Former member, Maryland State
Apple Commission; Maryland Water Study Commission. Former trus-
tee, Washington County Free Library. Vestryman, St. Thomas' Epis-
copal Church, Hancock. Past president, Rotary Club. Member, Hancock
Fire Company; American Pomological Society; Maryland State Horti-
cultural Society; Maryland Historical Society; Delta Tau Delta; Ameri-
can Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Elks; Tonoloway Rod and
Gun Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
Chairman, Education Committee, 1963 Session.
IRMA GEORGE DIXON, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Balti-
more. Attended Baltimore public schools; Coppin Normal School;
Morgan State College, B.S. Former teacher in Baltimore public
schools; retailer. Member, Executive Board, Baltimore Urban League;
Advisory Board, Department of Public Welfare; N.A.A.C.P.; Life
Members Guild, National Council of Negro Women; The School Marms;
Y.W.C.A.; Lambda Kappa Mu. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1969.