JAMES H. CALDWELL, Democrat, Wicomico County; born in
Janesville, Wisconsin, January 13, 1916. Attended Wisconsin public
schools. Proprietor of insurance agency. Member, Salisbury City
Council, 1961-52. Chairman, Wicomico County Democratic State Central
Committee, 1954-58. Member and past president, Board of Trustees,
Wicomico Presbyterian Church. Chairman, Salisbury District Boy
Scouts; Youth and Civic Center Fund. Director, United Fund and
Red Cross. Past president, Salisbury Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Member, Salisbury Chamber of Commerce; Lions; East Side Men's
Club. President and National Director, Pony League Baseball, 1953-58.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959. Chairman,
Banking, Insurance and Social Security Committee, 1963 Session.
MAURICE CARDIN, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore,
July 19, 1909. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Balti-
more, LL.B., 1929. Member of the Maryland Bar. Served with the
U. S. Army during World War II. Member, American, Maryland, and
Baltimore Bar Associations; Knights of Pythias; Masons; American
Legion. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1951.
Chairman, Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee since 1955.
CHARLES E. COLLINS, Democrat, Frederick County; born in
Frederick, July 19, 1905. Attended Frederick public schools. Farm
machinery manufacturer's representative and distributor. Director,
Jeffersonian Democratic Club. Member, Maryland-Delaware-Virginia
Farm Equipment Association; Central Maryland Implement Dealers
Association. Past president, Lions. Past Zone Chairman, Lions Inter-
national. Member, Eagles; Elks; Moose. President, Frederick Optimist
Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
EDWARD T. CONROY, Democrat, Prince George's County; born in
New York, N. Y., January 31, 1929. Attended New York City paro-
chial schools; Fordham University, B.S., 1951; Georgetown Law
Center, LL.B., 1956, LL.M., 1957. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1957. Served with the U. S. Army, 1961-54. Member, Prince George's
County Bar Association. President, Belair Citizens' Association. Mem-
ber, Chamber of Commerce; Knights of Columbus; Lions; Moose;
American Legion; Military Order of the Purple Heart; Veterans of
Foreign Wars. State Department Commander, Disabled American
Veterans. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
EDNA P. COOK, Democrat, Montgomery County; born in Hamil-
ton, Ohio. Attended Ohio public schools; Western College for Women,
B.A., 1918; Miami University (Ohio); University of Chicago. Former
college professor. Member, Emergency Committee on Atomic In-
formation, 1943-46; Consumer Advisory Committee, President's Eco-
nomic Advisors, 1946-50; Advisory Committee, O.P.A., 1942-46;
Governor's Commission on Juvenile Delinquency, 1955-63; Civil War
Centennial Commission, 1961-65. National Legislative Chairman (1945-
50), National Congress of Parents and Teachers. President (1941-
45), State Legislative Chairman (1945-58), Maryland Congress of
Parents and Teachers. Delegate to various White House conferences.
Received citation, Maryland State Teachers' Association, Improvement
of Public Education in Maryland, 1958. Hornbook Award, Montgomery
County Education Association for services to children and youth.
Member, State Board, Democratic Women's Clubs of Maryland.
Vice president, Montgomery County Democratic Women's Clubs.
Higher Education Chairman, American Association of University
Women. Member, Delta Kappa Gamma sorority. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1959.