Anna M. Baetjer, ScD„ 1965; Donald W. Pritchard, 1966;
Arthur L. Shreve, 1965; H. B. Staab, 1965.
The Radiation Control Advisory Board, established by Chapter 88,
Acts of 1960, consists of ten members appointed by the Governor for
four-year terms. The Board consults with and renders its advice to the
State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene on problems, procedures
and matters relating to radiation (Code 1957, 1960 Supp., Art. 43,
sec. 686).
Isadore Tuerk, M.D„ Commissioner
Joseph J. Reidy, M.D„ Assistant Commissioner
R. Kenneth Barnes, Chief, Division of Administration and
Allen Dennis, Supervisor of Budgets and Accounts
Joseph H. Murray, Director of Personnel
Oscar G. Prado, M.D„ Director of Correctional Psychiatry
Charles E. Goshen, M.D„ Director of Community Psychiatric
Harold M. English, M.D„ Director of Hospital Inspection and
Richard Lindenberg, M.D„ Director of Neuropathology and
Legal Medicine
Thurman Mott, Jr., M. D„ Director of Psychiatric Education
and Training
Albert Kurland, M.D„ Director of Psychiatric Research
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
The Department of Mental Hygiene was established by Chapter 685,
Acts of 1949 to supersede the Board of Mental Hygiene. This Board,
created by Chapter 29, Acts of 1922 as part of a reorganization of the
Executive Branch, had carried on and expanded the functions of the
State Lunacy Commission, established by Chapter 487, Acts of 1886,
to inspect public and private institutions for the insane and to advise
their Boards of Managers. The Act of 1949 abolished not only the
Board of Mental Hygiene but also the separate governing boards of
the State mental hospitals and gave to the new department full and
plenary powers over, and supervision of, all matters relating to the
custody, care, and treatment of persons of unsound mind. The Depart-
ment supervises and licenses all institutions, public, private, or cor-
porate in which mental patients are detained (Code 1967, 1960 Supp.,
Art. 69).
The Department is directed by a Commissioner, certified in psychia-
try by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and ap-
pointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the State Board
of Health and Mental Hygiene. The Commissioner is responsible for
discharging the functions assigned by the State Board of Health and
Mental Hygiene, and for the administration of the Department.
The Commissioner appoints, with the approval of the State Board
of Health and Mental Hygiene, Superintendents of Spring Grove State
Hospital, Springfield State Hospital, The Eastern Shore State Hos-
pital, Crownsville State Hospital, Rosewood State Training School,
The Clifton T. Perkins State Hospital, as well as any other hospitals
which may come within his administration. Each Superintendent except
the Superintendent of Rosewood State Training School must be a
trained psychiatrist. The Superintendent of Rosewood must be a phy-
sician, preferably qualified in psychiatry or pediatrics and with expe-
rience in the field of mental retardation (Code 1967, 1961 Supp., Art.
59, sec. 19).