Health, Baltimore City; Harry M. Murdock, M.D., Maryland
State Planning Department; Edward S. Stafford, M.D., Mary-
land State Planning Department.
Appointed members: Brady J. Dayton, 1962; Russell A. Nel-
son, M.D., 1962; Ernest L. Stebbins, M.D., 1962; Leslie E.
Daugherty, M.D., 1963; Harold Tschudi, 1963; Harvey H.
Weiss, 1963; Harold W. Eliason, M.D„ 1964; Anne Mace, 1964;
C. E. Wise, Jr., 1964.
The Advisory Council on Hospital Construction, established in 1947,
consists of sixteen members: the Commissioner of Health, the Com-
missioner of Mental Hygiene, and the Commissioner of Health of Bal-
timore City, who serve ex officio; eleven members appointed by the
Governor for three-year terms; and two members appointed by the
Maryland State Planning Department. The Council is to consult and
advise with the Board of Health and Mental Hygiene in the adminis-
tration of a State plan of Hospital Construction under the terms of
the Hill-Burton Act (Code 1967, Art. 43, sec. 567).
E. 1. Baumgartner, M.D., and J. Roy Guyther, M.D., of the
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty; Russell A. Nelson, M.D.,
and Vacancy, State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene;
George Entwisle, M.D„ University of Maryland Medical School;
Alan M. Chesney, M.D., The Johns Hopkins School of Medi-
cine; Virgil A. Halbert, Maryland-District of Columbia-Dela-
ware Hospital Association; George E. Hardy, D.D.S., Mary-
land State Dental Association; Vacancy, Maryland State
Nurses Association; Horace L. Small, M.D., Maryland Medi-
cal Association; Walter E. Albrecht, Ph.D., Maryland Phar-
maceutical Association; Isadore Tuerk, M.D., Commissioner
of Mental Hygiene; Thomas J. S. Waxter, Director, State
Department of Public Welfare.
The Council on Medical Care was established in 1945 and is com-
posed of 13 members chosen for two-year terms as follows: two ap-
pointed by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty; two appointed by the
State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene, one of whom is a repre-
sentative of the State Department of Health; one member each from
the faculties of the medical schools of the University of Maryland and
The Johns Hopkins University, named by the governing body of the
respective medical schools; one Maryland hospital administrator named
by the Maryland-District of Columbia Hospital Association; one
member of the State Dental Association named by its governing
body; one nurse appointed by the directors of the State Nurses Asso-
ciation; one member appointed by the executive board of the Mary-
land Medical Association; one member appointed by the governing
body of the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association; the Commissioner
of Mental Hygiene; the Director of the State Department of Public
Welfare. The Council advises the State Board of Health and Mental
Hygiene in the formulation of policies for the administration of the
State's medical care programs; County Medical Care Program; City
Medical Care Program; Hospital Inpatient Program; Hospital Out-
patient Programs, City and County (Code 1957, Art. 43, sec. 42c).
Chairman: Abel Wolman, 1964
Russell Morgan, 1962; A. L. Penniman, Jr., 1962; J. Cookman
Boyd, Jr., 1962; Dick Duffey, 1963; Carl P. Swanson, 1963;