Division of Medical Services
The Division of Medical Services advises, consults with and directs
the staffs of the several State institutions concerning psychiatric
services, psychiatric education and training, nursing, rehabilitation,
and social work. The Director of the Division of Medical Services, who
is also the Assistant Commissioner, is appointed by the Commissioner
of Mental Hygiene (Chapter 130, Acts of 1961).
Division of Administration and Finance
The Division of Administration and Finance advises, consults with
and directs the staffs of the several State institutions concerning per-
sonnel, public relations, budget and accounting, procurement, food
services, farm management, engineering and maintenance.
This Division also establishes maintenance rates of patients, and
fixes liability and collection procedures (Code 1957, 1960 Supp., Art.
59, sec. 6). The Chief of the Division of Administration and Finance is
appointed by the Commissioner of Mental Hygiene.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds. $494,480 $605,130
Staff, 1961: 7O. Staff, 1962: 82.
Charles S. Ward, M.D., Superintendent
Crownsville (Anne Arundel County) Telephone: Victor 9-2751
Crownsville State Hospital, established by Chapter 260, Acts of 1910
as the Hospital for the Negro Insane of Maryland, was opened to
patients in 1911. It adopted its present name by Chapter 187, Acts of
1912. The hospital provides care for Negro people in the State who
require hospitalization because of mental illness. Negro patients who
require maximum security are hospitalized at The Clifton T. Perkins
State Hospital. Crownsville is located approximately eight miles west
of Annapolis on Route 178, four miles from Route 3.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 2000 for 1961 and
1835 for 1962.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $3,989,849 $3,986,069
Staff, 1961: 867. Staff, 1962: 874.
George H. Longley, M.D., Superintendent
Cambridge (Dorchester County) Telephone: Cambridge 228-0800
The Eastern Shore State Hospital, established by Chapter 187, Acts
of 1912, admitted its first patients in 1915. This hospital provides for
the care of mentally ill white patients, who are residents of the
Eastern Shore.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 675 for the fiscal
year 1961 and 720 for the fiscal year 1962.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $1,465,714 $1,732432
Staff, 1961: 279. Staff, 1962: 342.