Port of Baltimore 133
State planning 118-19
Information Department of 134
Ingle's War 21
Injured Workers' Rehabilitation
Committee 129-30
Inland Fish Division, Department of
Game and Inland Fish 107-09
Inland Resources Division, Natural
Resources Institute 64
Insect control 62
Inspection Section, Department of Labor
and Industry 127
Inspection Service, State 63, 194
Inspection services
agricultural 62-63
banks 120-21
barbershops 144
boilers 128,147
charitable institutions 78-79
health 68-69
industrial premises, for safety 127
jails, County 87
mental hospitals 74
mines 114
nursing program 150-51
pharmacies 152
public improvements . 116
seed . 63
see also inspection officers under
individual counties; Laboratories
Licenses, Regulation
Inspector of Tobacco 137
Installment Sales Division, Administrator
of Loan Laws 123
Institutional Board of Review, Patuxent
Institution 91
Instruction, Division of, State Depart-
ment of Education 53
boiler 128
companies regulated 103-04 122
General Assembly Committees on 214
laws 165
motor vehicle 103-04
savings and loan institutions 164
study commissions 164, 165, 167
and Treasurer 42
unemployment 128
Workmen's Compensation 128
Insurance, Commissioner of 104, 194
Insurance Department, duties of 122-23
Insurance Laws of the State, Commis-
sion to Study the General 165
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Commission 155-56
International Association of Boards of
Examiners in Optometry 151 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers of Maryland . 147
Interracial Problems and Relations,
Maryland Commission on 84 85 194
Interstate commerce 124
see also U.S. Government agencies
Interstate Commission on the Potomac
River Basin 157-58
Interstate Compact on the Potomac
River Basin 212
Interstate Highway System 98-101
Interstate cooperation
agencies 155-59
civil defense 95
education 158
extradition 36
fisheries management 157
government 155-56
police - 97
Potomac River Basin 157
probation 92
reciprocal licensing 148-49, 151, 154
roads 98,99
uniform legislation 156
water pollution control 158
Inventory of State property 117
Investigation, Joint Committee on,
General Assembly 215
fiscal year 1960 314
fiscal year 1961 318
Treasurer's custody of 42
Jacob E Finesinger Building, Rosewood
State Training School 29, 76
Jails, inspection of 87
see also under individual
Japanese Beetle Retardation and
Quarantine Inspection 63
John Hanson Highway 30
Johns Hopkins Hospital 302, 304
Johns Hopkins University, The
approved 639
founded 28
publications 194
representation on State agencies,
67, 73, 90, 91, 97, 129, 139
School of Medicine 67, 73, 91, 129
State aid to , 300
Joint Committee on Investigation, Senate 215
Joint Committee on Juvenile Problems,
House of Delegates 215
Joint Commission to Study Passenger
Carrier Facilities in the Washington
Metropolitan Area 171
Joint Resolutions 212-13 |