Hospital for the Consumptives of
Maryland 301 303,305
Hospital for the Negro Insane of
Maryland 75
Hospital for Women of Maryland 302 304
Hospital Inpatient Programs 73
Hospital Licensing, Advisory Board on 72
Hospital Outpatient Programs 73
Hospital Services, Division of State
Department of Health 193
advisory boards 72-74
Chronic Illness 71
Mental 75-77
State aided 302-05
Tuberculosis 70 71
Hospitals, Bureau of Medical Services
and. State Department of Health 70
Hours of Labor for Females Law 127
House Committee on Intergovernmental
Cooperation 155-56
House of Correction, Maryland,
86 88-89, addenda
House of Delegates
Biographical Sketches of Members
committees listed 215
duties 209-10
election returns 425-27
officers 209
qualifications of members 209
representation on State agencies,
85,118 142 155 162 172
Roster of Members. - 219-22
Speaker 136,209,590-92
term of office 209
and Unit System 430
vacancies 209
House of Reformation for Colored Boys 82
House of Refuge 83
Houses of Good Shepherd
payments to 79-80,306
Housing data studies 120
Housing hygiene 70
Howard County
area 625
Court terms 619
Delegates 221,427
Democratic State Central Committee 445
election districts - 637
membership on Baltimore Metro-
politan Area Study Commission 16061
membership on Baltimore Regional
Planning Council 119
name and origin 617
officers appointment of
335-38,364n, 365n
officers listed 363-65
population 629 |
Republican State Central Committee 450
seat 363,616
Senator 218,424
taxable basis 330
unit votes 430
voter registration 439
Hughesville, Southern Maryland
Correctional Camp at 89
Hyattsville Prince George's County 43,54
95, 132, 623, 632, 641
Hydrographic surveys 113
Identification and Investigation Division
Maryland State Police 96
Illegitimacy, Commission to Study
the Problems of 167
Impeachment 209
Improvements Department of Public,
37 116-17 199
Incentive Awards Board, State 49-50
Income Tax Division, Comptroller of the
Treasury 39,118
Incorporated Cities and Towns
executive officers of 620-24
listed 18
population 630-34
Indeterminate sentences 88,89
Indians 19-20,22-23
Industrial Accident Commission
State 128,130
Industrial Bureau . 127
Industrial Department, Maryland Work-
shop for the Blind 58-59
Industrial Development
Corporations 135-37,213
studies - 119,134
Industrial Finance Loan Companies 121
Industrial Registration Law 127
Industrial Safety, Division of. Depart-
ment of Labor and Industry 127
Industrial School for Girls 80
Industrial Services, Division of. Depart-
ment of Labor and Industry 127
Industrial waste disposal 158
and agriculture 133 39
educational services - 53
planning - 118,119
promotion - 133 38
safety in 127
Industry, Department of Labor and,
127-28 194
fiscal 48
legal 48
Maryland - 133-34
natural resources 133-34 |