Circuit Court .......252-53. 335, 389
see also officers under
individual counties
Court of Appeals....- 2SI
election returns -....- 400-01, 414-15,
Orphans' Court - - ........ 335
see also officers under
individual counties
People's Court .......... .. 401
see also officers under
individual counties
Resident ....... 335
see also officers under
individual counties
Supreme Court, U. S........ -.. 611
Judgment Fund Board, Unsatisfied
Claim and . .... - . - . -103-04
Judicial Circuits:
election returns - - 400-01, 414-15,
Judges listed - - . 252-53
map . . - -. -.--. . . - 249
Judicial Officers, counties:
election of - - ..... - . 335
see also officers under individual
Judicial Proceedings Committee,
State Senate .- -..... 211, 215
Judiciary Committee, House of
Delegates - . 211,215
Junior Colleges, listed .... 639
Jury Terms of Court . 618-20
Justices of the Peace, appointments 35
Juvenile causes:
see also officers wider individual
Juvenile delinquents;
committees for 131, 161-62, 194, 214
and Courts - - 338, 367, 371, 371n, 382
welfare institutions for - . - 31, 78-84
Juvenile Delinquency, Maryland Commis-
sion for the Prevention and Treat-
ment of - . - 131, 161-62, 194
see also Children and Youth, Maryland
Commission for
Juvenile Problems Committee:
House of Delegates 215
Senate - - ... .-- 215
Keep Maryland Beautiful,
Governor's Committee to - 170
Kensington, Montgomery County,
Kent and Queen Anne's Hospital 302, 304 |
Kent County;
area...........- 625
cities and towns --.-- 622
Court terms .--.. . .. 619
Delegates - - .... 221,427
Democratic State Central Committee 445
election districts .....- . ... .... 637
name and origin -- .--.. 617
officers, appointment of,
335-38,365n, 366n, 367n
officers listed .. -. 365,367
population - . - .- 629
Republican State Central Committee 450
seat .... - . ......365, 617
Senator .-- - ... . -.... - ..... 218,424
taxable basis .- . - -..- .. 330
unit votes -.- . . -.-- . - - 430
voter registration - ... - .. - -. 439
Kent Island ..... ...... 21
King William's School ... ....... 23
accident insurance - - . . . - 130
and Factory Acts-...... 127
General Assembly committees on- - 215
migratory . .--.-- ....-- 169-70
research.... -. 127
strikes mediated . .. .--.. - 127
unemployment insurance . 131
Labor and Industry,
Commissioner of - . - - .-- - 128, 170
Labor and Industry,
Department of .. -.- 127-28, 194
Labor and Statistics, Board of- .. 114
Labor and Statistics, Department of 114
Labor Committee:
House of Delegates.. - . 215
Senate ...... 215
Labor-Management Relations Study
Commission -..... 171
Laboratories, Bureau of, State
Department of Health .. .--. - 69
Laboratories, State:
Agricultural Experiment Station 61
agricultural inspection service .62-63
gas testing - - ... .... - 123
health --. ..- - . 67-68
Live Stock Sanitary Service - - 62
water analysis ..-- - . - . 115
acquisition . - .- . - 402, 405
area .....-- ...... 17, 625
leases for - . .......... .. 37
records ... -...-- . . 140-41
use ordinances . -. . . . 178
use planning 118-20
use studies .- -- 119-20 |