PAUL A. DORF, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore, June
29, 1926. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Maryland;
George Washington University Law School; University of Maryland
Law School, LL.B., 195O. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 195O. Served
with the U. S. Naval Air Force, 1944-46. Assistant City Solicitor,
1952-58; Chief Judge, Baltimore City Traffic Court, 1959-61. Member,
American, Maryland, and Baltimore Bar Associations; Nu Beta Epsi-
lon legal fraternity; Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity; Law Enforcement
Officers Association; Safety First Club of Maryland; Trial Magis-
trates Association; Masons; Moose; Yedz Grotto; Advertising Club
of Baltimore; Variety Clubs International. Married. Appointed to the
Senate, May 5, 1961, vice Aaron A. Baer, resigned.
MARGARET C. SCHWEINHAUT, Democrat, Montgomery County;
born in Washington, D. C., December 1, 1904. Attended District of
Columbia public schools; George Washington University; National
University Law School. Homemaker. Chairman, State Coordinating
Commission on Problems of the Aging. Member, Board of Health and
Welfare Council; League of Women Voters. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1955-61. Appointed to the Senate, November 7,
1961, vice Edward S. Northrop, resigned.
J. ROBERT BROWN, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Baltimore,
May 2, 1926. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Washington Col-
lege, A.B., 1949; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1952.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1951. Served with the U. S. Army,
1944-46. Assistant State's Attorney, 1953-56; General Counsel, De-
partment of Employment Security, 1956-60; Associate Magistrate,
Baltimore City Traffic Court, 1960-61; member, Board of Visitors and
Governors, Washington College, 1956-62. Member, American and Bal-
timore Bar Associations; Maryland Plaintiffs Bar Association. Mar-
ried. Appointed to the House of Delegates, July 13, 1961, vice Francis
X. Gallagher, resigned.
EARL D. BUTLER, Democrat, Somerset County; born in Shell-
town, October 10, 1918. Attended Somerset County public schools and
Blackman's Course, Washington, D. C. Farmer. Member, Marion Vol-
unteer Fire Department; Elks; Lions; Somerset County Farm Bureau.
Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates, July 1, 1961, vice
Ralph W. Parks, resigned.
RICHARD GRUMBACHER, Democrat, Washington County; born in
York, Pa., April 10, 1914. Attended York public schools; Mercersburg
Academy, Mercersburg, Pa. Retail Store Manager. Served in the U. S.
Army Air Corps, 1941-45. Member, Traffic Committee of Hagerstown,
1952-55; Governor's Committee on Substantial Housing in Washington
County, 1957. Trustee, Washington County Free Library since 1966.
Vice Chairman, Maryland Commission on Children and Youth since
1956. Chairman, Hagerstown Urban Renewal Committee since 1956.
Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates, October 5, 1961, vice
Charles W. Coss, resigned.