ALICE W. HOSTETLER, Democrat, Montgomery County; born in
Indianapolis, Indiana, February 16, 1901. Attended Washington, D. C.,
public schools; George Washington University; DePauw University,
B.A., 1922; University of Maryland, M.A., 1934. Housewife. Member,
Governor's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency; Montgomery County
Charter Board; Board of Mental Hygiene, 1954-56; Montgomery
County Democratic State Central Committee, since 198O. President,
Montgomery County League of Women Voters, 1941-42; Maryland
League of Women Voters, 1942-44; Women's National Democratic
Club, 1955-56. Member, Kappa Gamma Gamma, social fraternity, and
Theta Sigma Phi, fraternity for women in journalism. Widow. Ap-
pointed to the House of Delegates, November 7, 1961, vice Margaret
C. Schweinhaut, appointed to the Senate.
BERNARD M. IMBER, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Balti-
more, April 14, 1934. Attended Baltimore City public schools; Univer-
sity of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1957.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1957. Member, American Bar Associa-
tion, Junior Bar Division; Baltimore City Bar Association. Married.
Appointed to the House of Delegates, May 1, 1961, vice Jerome Robin-
son, resigned.
RAYMOND T. WHITE, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hugo, Oklahoma, February II, 1921. Attended Blackwell, Texas, and
Hugo, Oklahoma, public schools; Oklahoma A. & M., B.S., 1941. Presi-
dent of manufacturing company. Served with the U. S. Marine Corps,
1944-46. Chairman, Hagerstown Housing Authority. Chairman, Ha-
gerstown Urban Renewal Committee. Vice Chairman, Maryland Hous-
ing Authorities. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates, Octo-
ber 5, 1961, vice Charles B. Huyett, resigned.