Women's Cooperative Civic League. Board member, Maryland Chapter
of National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Provident Hospital. Member,
Delta Sigma Theta sorority. Married. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1959.
EDWARD HOMER WHITE, JR., Democrat, Wicomico County; born
in Salisbury, April 6, 1911. Attended Salisbury public schools; William
and Mary College. Merchant. Served as 1st Sergeant, 722nd M.P.
Battalion in the European theater. World War II. Member, State
Planning Commission since 1959. Chairman, State Water Study Com-
mission since 1959. Permanent chairman of the Democratic caucus
since 1955. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1947.
Chairman, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee since 1955.
JOHN M. WHITMORE, Democrat, Anne Arundel County; born in
Washington, D. C., May 14, 191O. Privately tutored. Printing company
executive. First president of Citizens Committee of Anne Arundel
County; past club president and past district lieutenant-governor of
Kiwanis International. Member, Elks; Southern Maryland Society.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1955.
PERRY O. WILKINSON, Speaker, Democrat, Prince George's Coun-
ty; born in Hebron, Wicomico County, March 21, 1906. Attended
Wicomico County public schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1928,
M.A., 1936. Insurance and bond business. Former high school teacher
and athletic coach in the public schools of Maryland. Past president,
Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce; Men's Baraca
Class, First Methodist Church, Hyattsville; Eastern Shore Society,
Washington, D. C.; Montgomery-Prince George's Association of
Insurance Agents; Kiwanis Club of Prince George's County. Mem-
ber, Masons; Moose; Tall Cedars of Lebanon; Elks; Woodmen of the
World. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1943. Chair-
man, Education Committee, 1951-57; Banking, Insurance, and Social
Security Committee, 1943-59. Speaker pro-tem of the House, 1948-58.
Speaker since 1959.
JAMES A. WISE, Democrat, Caroline County; born in New York,
N. Y., August 31, 1911. Attended Delaware public schools; Washington
and Lee University; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1934.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1934. Served in the Quartermaster
Corps and the Inspector General's Department, 1939-45; discharged
as Lieutenant Colonel. State's Attorney, Caroline County, 1946-58.
Member, Maryland Bar Association. Past president, Caroline County
Bar Association. Steward, First Methodist Church, Denton. Past presi-
dent, Denton Rotary Club. Past Master, Temple Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
Denton. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1959.
CHARLES W. WOODWARD, JR., Democrat, Montgomery County;
born in Poolesville, February 28, 1919. Attended Montgomery County
public schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1941, Pi Sigma Alpha;
University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1948. Member of the
Maryland Bar. Served with the U. S. Army, 1941-46. Government
Appeal Agent, Selective Service Board No. 52. Member, Montgomery
County Bar Association; Montgomery County Historical Society;
Lions; American Legion. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1955.