BLAIR LEE III, Democrat, Montgomery County; born in Silver
Spring, May 19, 1916. Attended St. Albans School, Washington, D. C.;
St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; Princeton University, B.A., 1938.
Former newspaper editor. Property manager. Served with U. S. Naval
Reserve, 1941-45, serving as Assistant Naval Attache in Chile, 1941-42.
Vice-chairman, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Com-
mission, 1949-51; executive officer. National Capital Planning Commis-
sion, 1951-54. Delegate to the Democratic National Conventions, 1948
and 196O. President, Maryland Press Association, 1949. Past president,
Silver Spring Board of Trade. Married. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1955. Chairman, Education Committee since 1959.
SAMUEL C. LINTON, JR., Democrat, Charles County; born in
Grayton, August 21, 1923. Attended Charles County public schools.
Farm manager and businessman. Served with 8th U. S. Air Force,
1943-46. Director, Charles County Farm Bureau, 1948-50; Southern
States Cooperative, 1946-48. Master, Nanjemoy Grange, 1942-48. Presi-
dent, Nanjemoy Volunteer Fire Department, 1950-56. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1959.
ROBERT CHARLES BIGGY LONG, Democrat, Somerset County;
born in Westover, May 15, 1919. Attended Princess Anne public
schools; Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pa.; Beacom Busi-
ness College. Farmer, canner, and merchant. Served in U. S. Navy,
1942-45. President, Board of County Commissioners, Somerset County,
1954-58. Member, Farm Bureau; Tri-State Packers Association; Elks.
Past president, Princess Anne Lions Club. Member, American Legion;
V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
THOMAS HUNTER LOWE, Democrat, Talbot County, born in Mc-
Daniel, January 8, 1928, Attended St. Michaels public schools; Balti-
more City College; Washington College, A.B., cum laude, 1952; Uni-
versity of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1956. Admitted to the Mary-
land Bar, 1956. Town Attorney, St. Michaels. Served with the U. S.
Marine Corps, 1945-46. Member, American, Maryland and Talbot
County Bar Associations. President, Young Democrats of Talbot
County, 1957. Regional Director, Young Democrats of Maryland for the
Eastern Shore, 1959. Member, Talbot County Association for Mental
Health; Maryland Farm Bureau; Elks; Lions; American Legion;
V.F.W. President, Easton Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1958. Director
and member, Advisory Board of Talbot Football, Inc., Talbot Rod and
Gun Club. Member, M.R.Y.C.; Talbot Retriever Club. Named Talbot
County Man of the Year, 1958. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1959.
H. KEMP MacDANIEL, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Bal-
timore, June 3, 1921. Attended Catonsville public schools; University
of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1951. Served in the U. S. Army in
World War II. Member, Patapsco Democratic Club; Young Democrats
of Baltimore County; Arbutus Community Association; Board of
Directors, Community Association of Wynnewood; V.F.W. Past dean,
past treasurer, and member, Board of Directors, Delta Theta Pi
Alumni Association. President, Hexagon Club; Rolling Road Pleasure
Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JOSEPH H. McELWEE, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, February 24, 1912. Attended Hagerstown public schools;
Pennsylvania State College. Dairyman. Served with U. S. Army during
World War II. Director of Civil Defense for Washington County.
Past president, Washington County Fireman's Association. Member,
Maryland and District of Columbia Tech. Dairy Association; Chamber