of Delegates since 1959. Chairman, Joint Committee on Juvenile
Problems since 1969.
WILLIAM M. HOUCK, Democrat, Frederick County; born in Keyser,
W. Va., March 14, 192O. Attended Garrett County public schools;
Frostburg State Teachers College. Life insurance agent. Served in
U. S. Army, 1944-45. Trial Magistrate, Thurmont, 1949-5O. Member,
Thurmont Town Council, 1953-54. Past president, Thurmont Lions
Club. Member, American Legion. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1959.
CHARLES B. HUYETT, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, December 19, 193O. Attended Washington County public
schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1953. Bakery proprietor. Served
with U. S. Army Counterintelligence Corps, 1953-56. Chairman, Mary-
land Presidential Electors, 196O. Member, Young Democratic Club of
Washington County; Hagerstown Committee on Urban Renewal;
Board of Managers, Washington County Orphans Home; Hagerstown
Chamber of Commerce; Kiwanis. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1959-61. Resigned, August 18, 1961.
W. PAUL JOINER, Democrat, Kent County; born in Kent County,
June 12, 1899. Attended Kent County public schools. Farm equipment
dealer. Member, Advisory Board of The County Trust Company of
Maryland, Kent County Branch. Register of Wills for Kent County,
1942-45. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1951.
ESTEL C. KELLEY, Republican, Allegany County; born in Western-
port, May 4, 1902. Attended Westernport public schools; University
of Maryland. Member of Liquor Control Board, Allegany County,
1957-58. Member, Eagles; Elks; Moose. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates 1951-57, and since 1959.
CHESTER G. KOSAKOWSKI, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in
Baltimore, July 6, 1905. Attended parochial and public schools in
Baltimore; graduated, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy,
1937. Married. Member of the House of Delegates 1939-51, and since
W. GARRETT LARRIMORE, Democrat, Anne Arundel County;
born in Annapolis, July 19, 1922. Attended Anne Arundel County
public schools; University of Maryland; University of Maryland Law
School, LL.B., 1949. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1952. Served in
the U. S. Army Air Force, 1943-46. Delegate to Democratic State
Convention, 1954 and 1958. Member, 1st District Democratic Club;
South Anne Arundel County Democratic Club; Maryland and Anne
Arundel County Bar Associations. Past vice president, Maryland
Junior Chamber of Commerce. Member, South Anne Arundel Lions
Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JAMES G. LATHAM, Democrat, Talbot County; born in Baltimore,
May 19, 1918. Attended Baltimore parochial ana public schools; The
Johns Hopkins University. Real estate and insurance broker. Served
with the U. S. Marine Corps, 1934-38. Member, Easton City Council,
1950-54; Easton Planning and Zoning Commission. Chief of Operations,
Talbot County Civil Defense. Past president, Talbot County Real
Estate Board. Secretary, Maryland Real Estate Association. Member,
Elks; Knights of Columbus. Vice president, Easton Lions Club. Direc-
tor, Council of the Academy of the Arts; Talbot County Country Club.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1955. Chairman,
Eastern Shore delegation, 1959-61.