of the Capper-Cramton Act, and with other agencies in the park
development program.
Within the Maryland-Washington Regional District, which includes
and extends beyond the Metropolitan District, the Commission is em-
powered to make, adopt, and amend a general plan for the physical
development of the District which takes into account all factors of
urban, suburban, rural, and regional planning. The Commission pre-
pares plans and specifications for the construction of public works
improvements and facilities. The two County Planning Boards have
exclusive subdivision control power and jurisdiction over street grades
and locations, public buildings and utilities, and after the adoption of
a Master Plan of Highways, over street naming and house numbering.
The Planning Boards have advisory zoning powers, but the zoning
ordinances and amendments are enacted by the County Council of
Montgomery County and the Board of County Commissioners of
Prince George's County sitting as a District Council for that portion
of the District within each County. Through the County Planning
Boards, the Commission recommends land use or zoning ordinances
and similar ordinance subject matters to the respective District Coun-
cils. The administrative and planning expenses of the Commission are
paid from an administration tax levied within the District. The taxes
levied by the Commission, which are collected by the County Treasurer
in Prince George's County and the Director of Finance in Montgomery
County, are as follows:
Montgomery County Prince George's County
Regional District: Regional District:
Adminis'tive Tax: 4 1/2c / $100 Administrative Tax: 4c/$100
Lower Metropolitan District Lower Metropolitan District
Park Tax: 13c/$100 Park Tax: 10c/$100
Sp. Bond Issue Tax: 1/2c/$100 Sp. Bond Issue Tax: 1
Upper Metropolitan District
Park Tax: 6c/$100
(Acts 1961, Chapters 265, 450, 452, 484, 485, 496, 567, 696, 597,
611, 612, 613, 707, 762, 764, 792, 814, 821 and 851).
Receipts and |
Disbursements |
Fiscal Year |
Ending April |
30,1961: |
Fund |
May 1,1960 |
Receipts |
Disbursements |
April 30,
1961 |
Administration ...
Parks |
$ 52,607.25 |
$1,102,105.88 |
$1,063,256.60 : |
$ 91,456.53 |
(Regular A/C)
Parks (Capper- |
261,835.91 |
2,595,966.26 |
2,415,360.90 |
432,441.27 |
Cramton A/C)
Parks (Special
Acquisition and |
74,292.65 |
236,157.52 |
1,083,727.81 |
Development ...
Parks (Special |
370,395.21 |
3,820.00 |
305,454.62 |
68,760.59 |
Bond Proceeds)
Special Bond
Issuea |
928,785.69 |
1,819,940.29 |
861,661.52 |
1,887,064.46 |
Debt Service
Reserve for
Future Debt |
159,531.42 |
145,683.60 |
100,621.70 |
204,693.32 |
Service .................. |
. 120,000.00 |
60,000.00 |
-•-••••-••••••-•••••••• |
180,000.00 |
Totals .......
Staff: 285. |
$3,128,748.16 |
$5,801,808.68 |
$4,982,512.86 : |
$3,948,043.98 |