Chairman: W. Arthur Grotz, 1962!
Vice Chairman: Philip Heller Sachs, 1964
John A. Seamon, 1963; J. Purley Cooper, 1965; Howard C.
Bregel, 1966.
Allan L. Dell, Secretary-Treasurer
Room 3200, 10 Light Street, Baltimore 2 Telephone: 752-7831
The Metropolitan Transit Authority was created by Chapter 670,
Acts of 1961, to improve the mass transportation facilities in the
area comprising Baltimore City and the metropolitan area in Bal-
timore County. The Authority may license, regulate, or acquire or
operate mass transportation facilities in this area and regulate the
Public Service Commission's present powers over such facilities. The
Authority consists of five members, appointed for five year terms,
one by the Governor, two by the Mayor of Baltimore City subject to
the approval of the City Council, and two by the County Council of
Baltimore County. Initially, the Governor's appointee will serve for
three years. One of the Mayor's appointees will serve for one year
and the other for five years. One of the County Council's appointees
will serve for two years, while the other will serve for four years. The
Authority elects its own Chairman and Vice Chairman and appoints
the Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Director.
The Authority derives its operating revenue from a seat tax of
$4.00 per seat from transportation companies operating under its
jurisdiction plus an annual fee or charge in amount equal to 1/20 of
one percent of the gross receipts derived from the mass transportation
operations within the area. It is estimated that the total revenue from
these sources will approximate $185,000 per annum.
Advisory Council
Albert L. Sklar, Chairman, Public Service Commission;
Henry A. Barnes, Director of Transit and Traffic, Baltimore
City; M. Peter Moser, Member, Planning Commission of
Baltimore City; William B. Fornoff, Director, Public Safety,
'Baltimore County; Jay Jefferson Miller, Planning Commission,
Baltimore County.
The Advisory Council was created to consult with the Authority
about changes in routes, schedules, or services of any public or pri-
vate transportation company. The Council consists of one member
of the Public Service Commission, designated by the Governor; the
Director of Transit and Traffic of Baltimore City; the Director of
Public Safety of Baltimore County; and representatives of the Plan-
ning Commission of Baltimore City and the Planning Department of
Baltimore County. Members of the Council serve for indefinite terms.
(Code 1957, 1961 Supp., Art. 64B).
Chairman: John J. McMullen, 1965
Allegany County Representative: Owen E. Hitchins, 1963
Garrett County Representative: E. Herbert Shaffer, 1963
Savage River Dam, Westernport Telephone: Westernport 3201