Chairman: Herbert W. Wells, 1962
Vice Chairman: J. Newton Brewer, Jr., 1965
W. Lawson King, 1962; John A. Floyd, 1963; Louis A.
Gravelle, 1963; John B. Lauer, 1963; John L. Pyles, 1963;
Donald E. Gingery, 1964; Mrs. Russell Wiltbank, 1964;
John A. Scheibel, 1965.
Jesse F. Nicholson, Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer
B. Houston McCeney, General Counsel
Joshua B. Zatman, Director of Public Relations
Arthur K. Stellhorn, Director of Planning
John P. Hewitt, Director of Parks
8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring Telephone: Juniper 9-1480
4811 Riverdale Road, Riverdale Telephone: Appleton 7-2200
This Commission has general planning and park jurisdiction over
the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District created by Chapter
448, Acts of 1927, and the Maryland-Washington Regional District
created by Chapter 714, Acts of 1939. Both districts are within Mont-
gomery and Prince George's counties adjoining the District of Colum-
bia and embrace approximately 274 square miles and 906 square
miles, respectively. The 1961 estimated population of the entire Re-
gional District exceeds 700,000.
The 1961 estimated taxable basis of the Montgomery County
portion of the Regional District is $1,171,000,000 of the Lower Metro-
politan District, $1,055,000,000, and of the Upper Metropolitan Dis-
trict, $636,000,000.
The Commission has been given, through bi-county enactments of
the Maryland General Assembly, definite jurisdiction over the regional
planning of the Maryland-Washington Regional District, which in-
cludes all of Montgomery County and most of Prince George's County.
The Commission is composed of ten members, five of whom must be
residents of Montgomery County and five residents of Prince George's
County. Not more than three members from each county may be
members of the same political party and at least one member from
each County must be a resident of the predominately agricultural
portion of the County. The governing body of each County appoints
five members of the Commission. Appointments to the Commission
are for four year terms. Any vacancy in the membership of the
Commission must be filled by the governing body of the County in
which the vacancy occurs and for the unexpired term. The Commis-
sion elects its own Chairman and Vice Chairman. The respective
appointing authorities may at their discretion designate a member of
the Commission from each County to serve on a full-time basis. The
five members from each County constitute the County Planning Board.
The Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Commission also act as
Chairmen, respectively, of their County Planning Boards. The Com-
mission appoints its Executive Director, Secretary-Treasurer, General
Counsel, Director of Planning, Director of Parks, and a Director of
Public Relations and may appoint a Director of Land Acquisition as
well as such other staff members as may be necessary. It maintains
regional offices in both counties.
Within the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District, the Com-
mission is empowered to acquire, develop, maintain, and operate a
park system with recreational facilities, the expense of which, in-
cluding debt service, is paid from a separate park tax levied within
the District. The Commission is authorized to cooperate and ne-
gotiate with Federal agencies for financial assistance under the terms