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Maryland Manual, 1957-58
Volume 167, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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Appropriations 1957 1958

Special Funds .................. $90 $90
Staff: None.


President: Lewis P. Gundry, M.D.
S. Jack Kleger, D.S.C.; Jerome Lenet, D.S.C.
Maurice B. Walsh, G.Cp., Secretary

11 Dundalk Avenue, Baltimore 22 Telephone: Atwater 4-2121

The Board of Chiropody Examiners, created in 1916, consists of
four members appointed by the Board of Medical Examiners. One
must be a member of the Board of Medical Examiners and the other
three must be selected from the membership of the Maryland Pedic
Association. The Board examines all persons who wish to practice
chiropody in the State. Applicants must have at least two years of
education in a recognized college of arts or sciences and be graduates
of a school or college of chiropody classified "A" or "B" by the Na-
tional Association of Chiropodists. The examinations, which may be
written, oral, or practical, are given in January and July of each
year. The Board also issues annual licenses to all chiropodists en-
gaged in active practice within the State. The Board may revoke the
license of any chiropodist, after due hearing, who is charged with
malpractice or unethical conduct (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 442-454).

Appropriations 1957 1958

Special Funds ................ $615 $616
Staff: None.


Chairman: Agnes L. Giordano, 1960
Frances M. Alton, 1958; Virgie Waters, 1959
Katheryne C. Linder, Chief Clerk

102 Park Avenue, Baltimore I Telephone: Mulberry 5-3843

The Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists, created in 1936,
consists of three members appointed by the Governor for three-year
terms. All members of the Board must have had at least five years'
practical experience in hairdressing or beauty culture. They may
not be affiliated with any firm manufacturing or selling any mer-
chandise or commodity used in beauty shops, nor be directly or in-
directly connected with any school of beauty culture. No two mem-
bers shall serve at the same time who are graduates of the same
school of beauty culture. The Board employes a secretary and a
chief inspector.

The Board examines, licenses, and registers all persons engaged in
or teaching hairdressing and beauty culture within the State. It
supervises all beauty shops and schools of beauty culture in the State
in all matters pertaining to health and sanitation. The Board may
issue regulations, conduct hearings, administer oaths, and compel
the attendance of witnesses. It holds examinations, both practical
and written, once in every three months. The examinations are
usually held in Baltimore (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 492-515).


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Maryland Manual, 1957-58
Volume 167, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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