The Board visits hospitals and schools of nursing and concerns itself
•with the programs in. nursing education, carried on in these schools.
The Board cooperates with the National League for Nursing in the
preparation of its State Board Test Pool Licensing Examinations
and uses these examinations.
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds .......................$33,071 $36,701
Staff: 5
President: A. L. Trussell, O.D., 1959
Morris I. Seltzer, O.D., 1959: Albert B. Boulden, O.D.,
1961; Ralph A. Highbarger, 1961.
G. William Seabold, O.D., Secretary-Treasurer, 1961
116 West Monument Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Plaza 2-5473
This Board, created in 1914, consists of five persons appointed by
the Governor for four-year terms from a list endorsed by the Mary-
land Association of Optometrists. The Board administers the Optome-
try laws of the State and regulates the practice of Optometry. It
examines, licenses, and registers. Applicants for examination must
be 21 years of age or over and graduates of colleges of Optometry
or university schools of Optometry accredited by the American
Optometric Association and the International Association of Boards
of Examiners in Optometry, and approved by the Board, The
credentials of the applicant must comply with standards set by
this Board. Two examinations are held each year, usually in January
and July, in the following subjects: anatomy, physiology, theoretic
optics, pathology, physiological optics, practical optics, theoretical
Optometry, perimetry, diagnosis, prescription determination, contact
lenses, practical Optometry, orthoptics, visual training, and optometric
jurisprudence. For just cause, the Board may revoke any certificate
of registration or examination (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 343-363).
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds .........................$1,984 $1,984
Staff: None.
President: Evelyn C. Luke, 1958
L. A. Winokur, 1958; Joseph Lindstrom, 1960
Gifford E. Luke, 1960.
Christopher L. Ginn, Secretary, 1960
19 West Mulberry Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Saratoga 7-5309
The Board of Osteopathic Examiners, established in 1914, consists
of five members appointed by the Governor for three-year terms from
a full list of members in good standing of the Maryland Osteopathic
Association (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 428-441).
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners investigates the
credentials of an applicant for license to practice Osteopathy within
the State and issues or refuses such licenses. It holds two meetings
each year to examine these applicants whose credentials will not
warrant issuing of a license through the Previous Practice or Re-
ciprocity Acts. The Board cooperates with municipal and State
officials in enforcing the laws regulating the practice.