Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds ....................$ 37,543 $ 36,572
Staff: 17.
President: Lewis S. Tawney, Sr., D.C., 1959
Vice President: Arnold R. Tolley, D.C., 1958
Secretary-Treasurer: Adam D. Baer, D.C., 1960
22 Broadway, Frostburg Telephone: Frostburg 355
The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, created by Act of the
General Assembly of 1920, consists of three practicing chiropractors
who must be residents of the State, be graduated from a resident
course in chiropractic, and have practiced chiropractic in the State
for a period of at least five consecutive years. The Governor ap-
points one member each year from a list of five names, including the
incumbent member, submitted to him by the Maryland Chiropractic
Association. Such members serve three-year terms (Code 1951, Art.
43, secs. 460-474). The Board examines applicants for licenses,
investigates all complaints, and if necessary, reports same to the
State's Attorney.
The Board holds two examinations each year, in March and Sep-
tember. It has power to investigate and ascertain whether the several
schools of chiropractic meet the requirements of the law. Each
person holding a chiropractic license in Maryland must renew it
annually with the Secretary of the Board.
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds ........................$7,486 $7,105
Staff: None.
Chairman: Lucius R. White, Jr., 1960
Secretary-Treasurer: Howard G. Hall, 1958
William F. Stone, Jr., 1959; Charles M. Nes, Jr., 1961:
Alfred M. Rinaudot, 1960.
T. Worth Jamison, Jr., Executive Secretary
8 E. Mulberry Street, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-7035
The five-man Board of Examiners and Registration of Architects,
established in 1935, is appointed by the Governor for five-year terms,
the term of one member expiring each year. Appointees to the Board
must have engaged in the independent practice of architecture for at
least ten years, and at least three of the members must be graduates
of approved schools of architecture. The Governor designates the
Chairman. The Board passes upon all matters pertaining to the
registration of architects in the State of Maryland. All persons seek-
ing to practice architecture in the State must submit their qualifica-
tions to the Board or pass its examination before being registered
and licensed to practice (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 476-489).
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds ......................$5,776 $7,294
Staff: 2 (part time).