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Maryland Manual, 1957-58
Volume 167, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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State. This Board licenses pharmacists by examination and recipro-
city and issues permits for the operation of retail pharmacies and
for the manufacture of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, dentifrices,
and cosmetics. In cooperation with the State Department of Health,
the Board enforces the pharmacy and drug laws of the State.

The members of the Board of Pharmacy and duly authorized agents
of the Department of Health inspect all pharmacies or other places
where prescriptions, medicines, drugs, drug products, or domestic
remedies are compounded or sold, and inspects every prescription,
medicine, drug, drug product, or domestic remedy exposed for sale.
Druggists and pharmacists are required to keep in their places of
business a suitable book or file in which to preserve for a period of
not less than five years every prescription compounded or dispensed
(Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 242, 244.50, 253, 255, 256).

Appropriations 1957 1958

Special Fund .........................$7,625 $8,300
Staff: I


President: William J. Carr, 1959
David L. Miller, 1959
Albert Joseph Culotta, Secretary, 1959
34 Hopkins Place, Baltimore I Telephone: Lexington 9.8795

The Board of Barber Examiners, created in 1904, consists of three
members appointed by the Governor for two years. The Board exam-
ines and licenses persons wishing to practice barbering. It holds
examinations for this purpose in Baltimore City in January, April,
July, and October of each year. The Board also inspects all barber
shops and reports to the county health officer any unsanitary con-
ditions. The Board may suspend the license of any barber who con-
sistently maintains an unsanitary shop (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs.

Appropriations 1957 1958

Special Fund ............................$1,081 $1,346
Staff: None.


President: Elizabeth F. Norwood, 1959
Secretary-Treasurer: Helen V. Kramer, 1960

Sister Josephine Cavanagh, 1958; Bessie W. Parr, 1958;
Virginia C. Conley, 1960
Angela M. Shipley, Executive Secretary
Eleanor J. Smith, Assistant Executive Secretary

1217 Cathedral Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Saratoga 7-1866

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor for
three-year terms. As vacancies occur, the Maryland State Nurses
Association submits to the Governor the names of five of its members
from which he selects appointees. The Board examines all applicants
for registration as "Registered Nurse" and as "Licensed Practical
Nurse" and issues the proper certificates. It keeps a register of the
names of all "Registered Nurses" and all "Licensed Practical
Nurses" which is open at all reasonable times to public scrutiny.


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Maryland Manual, 1957-58
Volume 167, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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